chapter 56

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The next morning, a few hours later, Maya had gotten up relatively early so she could put everything away and clean up before her parents got home. She also wanted to put everything away before Mason and Grandma Gaga got home so she could enjoy the peace of mind.

She had clean up the bathroom of her parents and had put back everything in their respective place. She had changed the sheets of Mase and had put to the washing machine those where Andy and Ryan had slept.

They had tidied up the living room and kitchen, the night before they had run the dishwasher so she had just emptied and put it away.
She even vacuumed and mopped the floor before Carina woke up. Then she had cut up some fruit, put some sweet cottage cheese in one bowl, cornflakes in another, made a little pitcher of milk and fresh orange juice, and put it all on a tray with a rose she had discreetly cut out of the neighbor's garden.

She had gone upstairs at half past nine to wake Carina with their breakfast. She had even tried to make her darling's cappuccino. She didn't have it every day, but she knew the brunette liked to sleep and in two days she hadn't gotten much sleep, even though she had more than enjoyed what had been done instead of sleeping... Except maybe the two hours of running at eight in the morning. But all that to say, she could appreciate a coffee today.

Maya had placed the tray on Carina's bed, before opening the curtain slightly. She had then leaned over the Italian in her bed and stuck her mouth to her ear to whisper against it.

- "amore... You have to wake up..."

- "nooo" answered Carina

- "yes... Otherwise..." She had slipped her hand under the sheets, then on her buttocks, sliding between her thighs.

- "more reason not to wake me up..." Made she by spreading a little her leg, to leave more space to the blonde.

- "bad idea I grant you!" Maya had withdrawn her hand and had come to slap Carina's buttock and she had immediately turned around.

- "can you not turn me on, when I'd put my money on we can not having sex?"

- "you like that I slap you the buttocks, right?!" asked the blonde of a charming smile.

- "why are you plugged into the two-hundred-and-forty volts this morning?"

-"I've been up for more than two hours, I've tidied up, I've cleaned up, everywhere downstairs and ... And in the bathroom of my parents..." she made by putting a hand flat on each side of the Italian and by leaning on her body to come to take her breast in her mouth. " erase all traces of your naked body in their bathtub... And any trace of your orgasm" she added after pulling on her nipple with her teeth, after performing a suction on it.

-"Maya! Stop turning me on!!!"

- "I made breakfast"

- "I'm starving"

- "I figured it out"

- "and why is that?"

- "let's say... That we made love a lot... And that I'm starting to know you"
She had gotten up and gone to get the tray while the Italian had gotten up in the bed to sit down.
"Do you want a shirt?"

- "Do you mind seeing my breasts while eating?"

- "if I could I would eat off your body."

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