Truth's Revealed

778 21 30

(y/n) POV

January 21st 2025

(y/n): Well that's over then.

Alicia Rue: That was the coolest fight ever!

Sayuka: Well done Spriggan.

Everyone else: *chearring*

(y/n): *moves the blade down and flicks it making it seem like cleaning of blood then sheaths the Assassin's Sword* No problem. *does a slight bow* Alright, bring him back.

Sakuya: *brings Eugene back*

Eugene: *gets up* Your an excellent fighter, in fact your are the most powerful player I have ever seen, well done.

(y/n): Your not be yourself.

Eugene: I didn't know the Spriggans had someone like you in their ranks. The world's a bigger place than I thought.

(y/n): Will you withdraw?

Eugene: *thinking*

Rando: Eugene, may I have a word?

Eugene: -------, what is it?

Leafa: (whispering) Him again.

Rando: You might find this interesting. You know how my party was wiped out yesterday?

Eugene: So?

Rando: Well this Spriggan, he's the same guy who took everyone out, including me, and he was traveling with an Undine.

Eugene: Hum. Interesting. Then I guess I have to believe you. But just for the record, the last thing our leader and I want is to go to war with the Spriggans and the Undines. We'll withdraw for now, but I am looking forward to fighting you again.

(y/n): Well then, I look forward to it. *both fistbump* I guess some Salamanders are cool. Oh, and here I should give this back to you. *give Leafa back her sword* Thanks for letting me borrow it.

Leafa: *blushing* No problem. And you 2 really are insane.

(y/n): Yeah, I get that a lot.

Sakuya: Ahem. Excuse me but could you explain what's going on?

(y/n): You have been betrayed.

Sakuya: By who?

(y/n): By Sigurd.

Leafa explains everything to Sayuka and she understands what is being said as well. Sayuka also explains the attitude shift in Sigurd and I am not surprised.

(y/n) thoughts: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Sakuya: Rue, have you raised your dark magic skill yet?

Rue: Mhum.

Sakuya: Open a moonlight mirror to Sigurd. *mirror opens* Sigurd.

Sigurd: Sakuya!

Sakuya: Nice to see you too. Unfortunately, I'm still alive.

Sigurd: How- what happened at the meeting?

Sakuya: It went very well, there is still the matter of signing the treaty though. By the way we had an unexpected guest.

Sigurd: W-what guess?

(y/n): (whispering) If I may? (normally) General Eugene sends his regards. *walks into view*

Sigurd: You!

(y/n): *chuckling* Yes, me,me,me. Oh and your little assassination plan didn't work, leave it to the professionals.

Sigurd: So what are you going to do now?

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