//37//: Where they tell their stories 2

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Zira loves you all❤️

"Eleven years ago, I was a different person. I was one of the most social person in my family. I used to love hanging out with my siblings and all. I was cheerful, very loud, and extremely nice. I treated people with so much kindness, and gave everyone respect without seeming too eager. I also had a good sense of humour. I was the most loved person from my family to outsiders and relatives.

Back in New York, while still in junior high school. Abdallah and I were eleventh graders while Neelam, Malika and Noor were ninth graders. We were the best of friends, we did everything together. Went to school together, came back together, went to parks, movie nights, family gatherings and just everything. I was the closest to Noor.

Noor was sunny. Her smile was even more beautiful than watching sunsets or an ocean wave. She was the kindest soul one could ever set eyes on. Noor would always make decisions that would benefit others more than herself. She predicts what others need and acts before she is asked. She had a cheerful outlook of life. She always carried a joyous and discerning aura around her. Noor was a breed out of the world—-she was different."

Farooq's lips quirked up into a smile as he spoke lightheartedly about this certain person. Sabrina remained quiet as she was observing his features slowly. The shock in her wasn't exactly visible but she was shook as heck. Everything he's uttering stroke her from different angles. But she didn't allow it be visible.

Sabrina wanted him to continue talking. Who is Noor? And why was she the reason Farooq was smiling. In her entire time of knowing him,this was the first time she was seeing him smile genuinely.

He smiled with Betty and his friends. But this particular smile was quite different. It aligned with his eyes, nose and even his ears. It was exultant.

"Noor was everyone's favorite. She was the most thoughtful and selfless person in our group. She always believed that there was good in everyone. That no matter how evil and bad a person is, there was still goodness in him or her. It didn't stop her from being violent when needed though. Noor was my best friend. I loved her more than I loved anyone. She was like my sister but even more. She was always there for me. She never left me not even for a minute when I needed her.

She was the type of girl that gathered the attention of every room she walked into. It was hard not to look at her, after all she had everything a girl needs.

One afternoon after school, Abdallah stayed back for football tryouts. Neelam and Malika had a club meeting with the year book committee. So that afternoon, only Noor and I walked back home. On our way back, she got hungry then I offered to get her a snack from Mc Donald's since it wasn't too far. But she declined my offer saying I had to rest my foot because I was injured on the field. So she went in herself to get it. I sat on a bench a bit far from Mc Donald's as I waited...." He paused as if to inhale some air for a while. His body was turning reddish.

She could see it even at night. He wasn't alright. But she wanted him to keep going. He has to. "Are you okay?" She asked softly her voice coming out so low and delicate.

He squeezed his eyes shut then flickered opened it back. He lowered his head down before throwing it backwards. "No, but I have to keep going."

She shook her head. "If you don't feel comfortable, it's fine. Really."

He looked at her like she's grown two heads. Ooops! She already has two. But seriously though, how could she be this calm and concerned despite everything he's done to her. She really is crazy. There's no argument there.

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