//50//: Calm before the storm

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"What the hell?" My purse came thudding to the ground as I took cautious step backwards. I think I'm about to go insane because why the hell am I staring at two persons who look exactly the same.

My father? Abi fathers? What is going on? I'm sick and tired of the games he's been playing.

"Look, stop playing mind games with me. It's not funny." Despite the fact that they both look the same, you can tell from the way the other one seems that he's not evil.

Is my father really alive?

Khalifa groaned in frustration throwing his head backwards. "Why would I play mind games with you? I never played basketball with you back then too."

I glared at him. "Yeah thanks for reminding me." My voice laced with sarcasm.

"My point, he's your father. I'm your uncle."

The frustrating part was that I couldn't truly tell whether or not he's lying. I could only see two identical men standing opposite me. For all I know this could be one of his conniving schemes to try and get the property papers.

But Baba Kaka clearly stated that he shot my father dead twenty years ago before I was even born then who's this man? "I know you must be wondering how he's still alive right? When I shot him years back, he didn't die. He only lost consciousness for some hours. That was when I realised I needed him. Don't get me wrong I'm smart, just not intelligent. I wouldn't have been able to handle this company and other businesses without him."

I gave him a blank stare, before my left brow went up. "So you're trying to say, you're dumb?"

Harith and my so called reincarnated father used their hands to cover their mouth to prevent their chortling from escaping. They both earned a glare from Khalifa. "Well not exactly."

"You've kept him under your hostage for years and you're telling me that nobody knows he's alive?" I raised a questioning brow because my heart wasn't even by my side at the moment.

He groaned loudly then nodded. "Not even Mommy, Mom or Baba Kaka.

He glared at me then responded with a curt nod. "When did you start referring to Aisha as Mommy? What happened to Mrs Mahir?" The corner of his lips rose up in mischief.

I slowly discarded my blazer. "Ever since I found out the man I thought was my father all this while is really a psychopath." I held the blazer with one hand then rested my back in the chair.


"Don't shout at me, you know I don't like being shouted at."


"I never said I was through talking. If this man right here is really my father, why then are you releasing him after twenty long years or what exactly do you expect me to do?" I rolled my eyes because this unannounced meeting was really giving me a migraine.

"I know how much Aisha misses him, she never fails to express her love towards him and her long hatred towards me every time she gets the chance. I'll let him go if you sign the papers—no, I'll let him go just for today and I'll let your so called family decide whether or not you'll put your darn signature on it." He spewed venom. Watching how the words freely rolled out of his mouth, I could tell he wasn't lying. He's in no position to lie to me any further.

That means this man really is my Father.

I'm not an Orphan.

I patted on the chair next to me with my shaking hands. I hate it when I'm anxious. Especially when everyone can see it. "Can you sit with me?" I smiled at my father.

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