« Guilty But Pretty »

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Started: April 3rd
Finished: May 30th

Contains: somniphilia, lazy sex, VERY slight mention of douching (look it up before you ask questions), condom usage!!

Words: 1521


The kickstart was this.

Kinks were never a new thing in their relationship.

They could be having perfectly vanilla sex, but then one would get bored, and boom. Action.

Scratching, bleeding, screaming, overstimulation.

Soft, slow, warm, wet.

Dacryphilia, begging, sub-space, choking.

God, they've even brought up the idea of piss.

(It was immediately turned down.)

((or was it?? tell me your thoughts because i've been thinking about it. IT WOULD BE COMPLETE SATIRE THOUGH.))

But here's the thing.

This one was different.

More different than fucking piss.

"Wait, you're sure??" Dreams voice was high pitched with disbelief. "You're sure that you.. consent? To that?"

George's hands ran through his hair. "Yes, my love, I'm sure." His voice flooded Dreams mind with sincerity, but yet, the bad thoughts still took over.

"You're completely sure?? I don't want to, like, get accused of.. you know.." Dream inhales slowly, averting eye contact with the brunette, "sexual assault."

"Oh, no!!" George shortly kisses him, rubbing his shoulders sympathetically. "No! I'm telling you baby, I fully consent to you doing things to me while I sleep. Anytime. And I fucking promise you that I will tell you if I'm not feeling it."

Dream presses their foreheads together. "Okay."

They weren't even doing anything sexual at the time. They were just cuddling, getting ready to go to bed for the night, and George has brought up the subject. It was a simple little sentence:

"I would love for you to fuck me while I sleep."

Dream knew it was a kink that existed. He'd heard of it one or twice on the internet, but never really was interested in it. He thought it was dangerous. But now that he knew George had that kink, he guessed he should learn about it.

So yeah, nothing happened that night. Or the next. Or the next.

Nothing happened until a full week after.

Dream spent the week researching and asking George over and over if it was actually okay. Of course, he said yes every time.

So now they sat in bed, George laying in a fetal position under the covers. He was silently snoring.

Dream lay awake next to him, like the many nights before. Overthinking. "What if he doesn't actually want it, what if he just feels pressured to say yes? What if he does like it, but doesn't want it tonight?" His mind wouldn't stop, and he knew the only solution was to just fucking do it.

Of course he was okay with it. They respected each other's kinks and fetishes. It was just anxiety. And he knew the solution to that, too. Get it over with.

George shuffles as he slips his arm around his waist. A small groan, but he's back to sleeping in a millisecond. Dream hums at the warmth radiating off of him. He was so comfortable. So nice. So adorable.

"Nows your chance", Dream says to himself- quietly. He slowly slips his hand under George's shirt, groaning softly at the heat. That's how he knew George was passed out asleep. Next, he slips his hand under his boxer-band. A small noise from George, along with him unraveling his body. Dream pauses abruptly, sucking in a breath.

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