🩸Yandere Dream🩸

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TW: Blood, Kn1ves, Strangulation, Su*cide mention, st@rving mention, bullying.

Bolds: Time Stamps
Italics: Thoughts
Bold Italics: Exaggeration
(Parentheses: A/N)

Enjoy :]~💚

Prompt: Highschool AU. Dream is head over heals for George, his classmate. After bully's target George for a while, Dream takes charge.

🩸Yandere Dream🩸 2961 words

•~*3rd person POV*~•
It was 9:45 am on a cloudy Monday, and the classroom was loud and chattery like always. The poor teacher couldn't even keep them quiet. "Quiet down children! I'm too tired for this today.. I hate Mondays." He, Mr. Ph1lza, would say. But, luckily, a kid who was well known spoke up. "HEY!!," Everyone looked towards him, "settle down and be quiet. If you have something to say, wait until passing periods or lunch. Do I make that clear?" He said in a stern voice. Groans swarm the classroom.
"Yes." They all said.
"Thank you, Mr. Davidson. Now, onto today's lesson."

Ah, the goody-two-shoes, Mr. George Henry Davidson. He was quite the petite young man. 5'9• slim• short, puffy, chocolate brown hair• blue/grey eyes• and many more beautiful features. Well, beautiful to one certain boy. A boy of the name Clay Mack Johnson (had to make up a full name LMAO). Clay was... erm.. quite the outcast. Didn't talk much. Stayed in the shadows. Because of this, no one knew what kind of person he actually is. Who is he, you ask? Well. He, Mister Dream, is a Yandere.

Present Time

•~*Dreams POV*~•

A sprawled out journal sat on my desk neatly; pages full of doodles, notes, and wishes. Wow, it's almost full already. I shift in my chair, waiting patiently. When is he gonna be here?? I'm tired of this. He's always late!

I see from the corner of my eye someone burst through the door.
"Mom shmom, get in your seat Frost."
"Y-Yes sir."
He scrambled over, soon sitting in the chair next to me after fixing his shirt.
"Someone had quite the morning eh?"
"Shut it Dré."


That was Andy (Made up name) Frost. Formerly goes by 'Ant'. Weird, I know. He's one of my two friends. He's always late, getting caught up by his boyfriend Rey (made up name) Velvet, who goes by Red. I swear, they both have a really high sperm count. Anyways.

10:30 am. 2nd period bell.

Children pile out of the classroom as the bell chimes throughout the school. Me and Ant walk through the hallway to our lockers.
"You excited for 2nd period Dré?"
"First of all, stop calling me 'Dré'. Second, why would I be? Blades the worst teacher out there."
"I disagree. Anyways, do you not know?"
"Know what?" I shove my books into the bottom shelf, grabbing others for the next class.
"George had his schedule changed. He's in practically all your classes now dude!"
My eyes widen, a deep blush crawling onto my face. George... in my classes?! I'm definitely gonna fail school now. Ant slaps my back. "Well, I'll be off! Don't daydream too much!~" He runs away in a flash, presumably going to Red.

Great. Just. Great. Blade already hates me, now he's gonna hate me more! "Stop staring off into space." "Do your work Johnson!" "What's wrong with you today?" And so on. God I hate that man with a passion.

10:35 am. 2nd period class.

"Morning nerds. Today we've got a student who got his schedule changed. Introduce yourself to the people who don't know you." Blade sits in his chair, slumping down angrily.
"Oh- okay. Hi everyone, I'm George. George Davidson. Most people know me already, but to those who don't, I have one thing to say. A quote by Marie Forleo.

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