19. Playboi

136 13 12

December 27th, 2021

I stare at the small hole in Jayde's forehead blankly as I stand there, too stunned to move.

I feel so sick.

I swallow hard and then run over to the kitchen sink, throwing up everything in my stomach while Sahara stands quietly on her phone.

Splashing cool water on my face, I take a big deep breath and stand up straight but I'm still sick.

She really killed Jayde and I didn't do nothing to stop it. No matter how annoying she is, or was, I would've never shot her.

"It needed to happen." Sahara says after a while which makes me look at her with venom in my eyes.

"You ain't have to shoot her like that."

"Well, what's done is done. Now you have to help both us or you gon' go down with us." Sahara shrugs nonchalantly, making me want to put a bullet in her own head!

I'm so mad but relieved at the same time.

"Yo, what the fuck. You just killed my bitch!"

She rolls her eyes and reaches behind her. When she sits the gun on the marble island, I have half a mind to reach for it and pop her ass just how she did Jayde. But then we make eye contact and everything about the way she glares at me makes me change my mind 'cause I know her aim is clearly on point.

I don't know what to say but I regret telling her crazy ass to come to my house.

Sahara grabs the gun and then walks off, disappearing outside. I swallow hard and force myself not to look at Jayde's dead, limp body hunched over or the blood splattered on the wall.

I jog upstairs and grab a blanket to cover Jayde with. After I lay it over her, I close my eyes and pray.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Jayde." I sigh and stand up.

The weight from our up and down relationship was nothing compared to how heavy the guilt of Sahara's actions felt weighing me down.

Five minutes pass by with me standing over Jayde. I don't know what to do, I'm so out of my element. But I know I can't stay here. Not with my fiancé dead in my own house.

I don't know what the fuck to do now.


When I told Zayne I had the jet ready, I thought it would be me and her, maybe even Jayde on an island somewhere living our best lives. I didn't think Sahara's crazy ass was gonna be a part of anything.

I'm fine with helping Zayne out of whatever drama she's in but I don't want anything to do with Sahara and I definitely don't want her on my jet.

The jet I bought specifically to help Zayne flee the country.

I look up to see the doctor coming downstairs with Zayne's blood covering her scrubs. My stomach turns as I stand up.

"Good news. The bullet went straight through her shoulder. Bad news, she may or may not ever regain full motion of her left arm. There was already damaged scar tissue that I had to work through but I was able to remove all bullet fragments. The second bullet grazed her neck. She's resting now."

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