28. Playboi

164 10 16

January 10th, 2022

I fucked up accusing Zayne and Sahara of being with another man the other day and I'm still getting the silent treatment for it.

Sahara ain't trippin anymore. All I had to do was cook for her and drop dick a couple times. But Zayne? She's still so damn mad, she won't even look my way.

It's a lot different having her mad at me than any of the other women in my past. Usually, I can spend a ticket and have them eating out the palm of my hand again before the end of the night.

Zayne ain't like that no matter how much money I spend on taking her and Sahara shopping. I even made her a big ass breakfast and she still ain't fucking with me!

So fuck it. Instead of kissin her ass any longer, I go for a long run to clear my head.

These last couple of weeks been crazy. Yeah, I got exactly what I wanted, which was Zayne but I also got a lot of other shit I wasn't prepared for. Isolating myself away from my family after my brother died left me where I am now, with nobody but the sky to talk to.

I know I could go home at any minute and mama would accept me with open arms but knowing I'm the reason Trayvon was shot and killed, I still can't go back no matter how much I miss them.

I thought when I got older and the years passed, time would make his death easier but it hasn't. We were both supposed to be in the NFL, not just me.

As kids, we made plans not only to make it one day and spoil mama but to always have each others back and I wasn't there for him when his best friend set him up.

My lungs burn, the faster I run so I take a break and chug the rest of the water bottle in my hand before tossing it to the side. I wipe the sweat and tears from my face and focus my vision ahead.

Tray wouldn't want me to crying like a bitch, that much I know. But damn, I miss my nigga so much, my chest hurts just thinking about my little brother.

I take a deep breath and level my breathing. Then I turn around and head back down the beach, towards the house.

No matter what I feel on the inside, missing my family, dealing with Jayde's death, every time I lay eyes on Zayne and Sahara, all of that goes away.

When I first met Sahara, I didn't think we would be where we are now. But I like her. I'm always reminded that she's a little crazy every time she opens her mouth but I can't get enough of her, especially with how she damn near the only person who can talk some sense into Zayne's stubborn ass.

"You enjoy your run?" Sahara asks as I enter the kitchen covered in sweat. She hands me a cold bottle of water and licks her lips. Grabbing it, I nod and pull her into my sweaty arms.

"You ever gon' run with me?"

"Hell nah." She laughs and pushes me off. "Go take a shower, you stink."

"Where she at?"

"Curlin' her wig, I'm supposed to be makin' her somethin' to eat but I got distracted." She bites her bottom lip and smiles when I plant a kiss on her neck.

"With what?" I mumble against her cool skin while pulling her into my sweaty body.

"Some shit back home." She says casually, like I don't know she's up to something.

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