44. Sahara

102 7 19

January 23, 2022

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm going to jail.

I didn't wanna pop the nigga foreal, I was just talking shit but I ain't have no choice when his stupid ass shot Playboi in the shoulder and me in the fucking neck. I touch where the bullet grazed me and shake my head.

He had to meet his maker after that and I don't miss.

Instantly after I let off three shots, I know I fucked around and killed Playboi's cousin. When Zayne yells out for me to call an ambulance, my eyes fall onto Roc and then Playboi again.

"Hell nah, imma go to jail, I popped that nigga. Somebody finna call the police in this damn neighborhood and I'm goin' to fuckin' jail." I stand to my feet and pick up my gun. "Take care of him, but I gotta go."

"You dead ass right now?"

"Nah, she's right." Playboi mumbles dryly. "Somebody is gon' call the boys. Take the truck and go get our stuff packed, ma." He hands me the keys to the truck as best as he can with a bullet in his right arm.

Hopefully he got hit and it went straight thru 'cause if not, I know how painful it is to walk around with a bullet inside yo body and that shit is tough.

Quickly, I get up outta there just as a crowd starts forming around Playboi, Zayne and Roc. I feel bad that I leave as fast as I do and then I start feeling even worse when I get behind the wheel and happen to look up and see Melody standing with another little girl, clearly scared as she looks around the crowd searching for someone.

My stomach twists.

Oh well, Roc did that to himself. All I was tryna do was chill with my girl while we support our nigga at his little family function but nah, niggas don't know how to back the fuck up and chill.

I'm mad as hell on my way back to the hotel.

So I stop and get a Oreo blizzard from Dairy Queen, which puts me in a better mood as soon as my tongue tastes the chocolate on the spoon.

I tell myself over and over, I wouldn't have had to make Melody an orphan if her daddy wasn't stupid, until I believe it myself and even that don't make me feel no better.

That nigga did that to himself.

Inside the hotel, after I finish my ice cream, I toss it, roll a joint and try to relax my nerves enough to think straight. I wish Zayne was with me but I'm happy she didn't leave Playboi's side. She's a ride or die and I love that about her.

I bring the ashtray to the balcony and take a seat quietly.

That split second of regret shifts my memories in a direction I wish didn't exist in my mind. I almost let myself feel those same gut wrenching feelings I felt the day I lost my mama but I don't because I don't have time to fall down that rabbit hole.

I'm past not having control over my emotions so it's easy to push those feelings to the side and be grateful for the fact Roc's aim is, or was shit.

If Playboi died, I don't know if I could handle my emotions plus Zayne's. Especially with her not really being completely over Ari's death.

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