20. Zayne

156 10 12

December 30th, 2021

"I missed waking you up with kisses." Ari's voice bring shivers up my arm, joltin' me up outta my sleep.

Tears fill my eyes so fast, I don't got time to fight 'em as Ari looks down at me with a halo over her head. Her baby face still makes my heart skip a beat.


"It's me." Ari smiles and touches my face lightly.

"I didn't think I would ever see you again, baby. I miss you so much."

"I know, I miss you too, Zayne. I really do. But you have to get your life together. This isn't you."

"I ain't dead?"

"No, love. You're not dead." She giggles and covers my arms in chills.

God, I've missed that sound so fuckin' much.

"If you were, you'd be in hell right where you belong." Rozay's voice chimes in before I see her petite body not too far behind Ari's ghost with fire in her eyes.

"She doesn't mean that." Ari sighs sadly before sayin'. "She's just upset you're moving on."

"You upset too?"

"No, I'm not upset. I just want you to be happy and take care of yourself."

I feel the tears slide down my face before I can stop 'em. What's left of my heart breaks into tiny pieces hearin' her words. It's been so long since I heard her type of sincerity, I can't stop the ache in my chest.

"I never deserved you, Ari."

"You did though. And you deserve to be happy now." Ari says and smiles when I link our fingers together.

"No, she deserves to die just like everybody else in her life."

My stomach flips.

"Rosie, stop. Zayne you do deserve to be happy."

"Why did you let her do that to me? Zayne, I thought you loved me."

"I didn't trust you, Rozay and I'm sorry for that. I did love you and I still do." I confess with an open chest, my heart no longer beatin'.

All I can see is rage in Rozay's pretty angelic face and that makes me sick.

"What did I do? You said you forgave me!"

"Rosie, you went to the fuckin' police station! The fuck I was supposed to think when I didn't hear from you? If I could take it back, I would."

"Yeah, well you can't. And I'll never forgive you."

The hatred in Rozay's voice makes me feel like I got kicked in the stomach.

"Did you snitch?" I ask the question that's been burnin' in my mind since the day Rozay came back from the police station.

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