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You're free today after work right?


Oh- yeah I am, why?


Okay :)



Hitomi blinked a few times at her phone screen, confusion written clearly on her face before she put her phone away.

'What was that about?'

"Over here, miss!"

Hitomi looked up at the voice, quickly walking over to the group of people at the corner booth.


"Can we have the check please?"

"Ah- of course, I will be right back."

Since it was the middle of summer break, the bartender had begun to work during the day, the bar she worked at turning to a small diner until the evening came. In all honesty, she prefered this part of the job, but when school started up again... What can you do...

Her shift of the day ended a couple hours later, the girl checking her phone to see that Nako had left the girl with just another smiley face.

"What's she planning..."

Hitomi unlocked the front door, "okaa-san I'm home."

"Welcome back Tomi-chan, how was work?"

The girl shrugged, "mmm nothing bad happened, same old same old."

After a bit more talking, Hitomi went to her room to clean up. She had been sitting around, wondering what to do afterwards when a knock produced from the front door.

She stopped swiveling her chair, barely hearing her mother converse with whoever was outside before she was called out from her room.


Hitomi walked out, seeing Nako coming inside alongsider her mother.


"Hey Hii-chan, you're not doing anything tonight right?"

"No I'm not..."

Nako held up two tickets, "let's go then."

"What... is that?"

The shorter girl chuckled, "I told you I'd take you to a musical, didn't I?"

Hitomi's jaw dropped, "I- uh- you- ... Give me a couple minutes, let me change."




"Be safe you two."

"Bye Mom~"

The duo stepped out into the warm evening, Hitomi glancing down at the older girl as they walked.

"How much was it?"

Nako giggled as she put her index finger to her lips, "you don't need to know, don't worry about it."

"Have you been to this theater before?"

"Once a long time ago for school... And I think you'll like this musical."

Hitomi chuckled, "well, if it was hand-picked from the best person... I'm sure of it."

Nako grew bright red, looking away as she gently pushed the younger girl's arm.

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