Chapter 10: Public Enemies

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It's been a few days since (F/N) made a pact with Madama Khepri as well as getting Forces of Nature, another weapon from some unknown person and hanging with Danny.

Here we see an outside shot of the Fenton Portal. We see the camera zoom in and fade to a shot of a ghost in prison garb being chased by two of Walker's prison guards and Bullet.

Prisoner: You'll never take me alive, coppers!

Bullet: You're a Ghost.

Prisoner: Well, you'll still never take me! *He's caught in a net*

We see the guards pull in their new catch. Bullet turns around and contacts Walker.

Bullet: That's the last one, Walker. All the escaped prisoners have been rounded up.

Back at the prison, we see Walker is chatting with Bullet.

Walker: All but one... *Turns to face a door with four guards in front of it* Which brings us to you, Wulf.

A guard, reluctantly, opens the cell. Out of it jumps a wolf ghost creature named Wulf. He jumps over everybody and unsheathes his claws. He swipes at the air and creates a tear in the dimension.

Guard: He's tearing a hole out of our dimension! He's gonna escape!

Walker: No he's not. That would be against the rules. *Presses a button on his wrist, which activates a shock collar on Wulf's neck, causing him to scream in pain and fall back while the portal he created disappears* That's a nifty little power you have, Wulf. The ability to claw into the real world at will. It's one of the reasons I need you. You want that collar off, don't you?

We see Wulf pulled on his collar desperately, indicating he does.

Walker: I have one more perp to catch. *Shows a picture of Danny in prison garb and in ghost form* Half kid, half ghost.

Wulf:*Sniffs the picture* Vi deziri detrui? (Translation: "You want to destroy him ?")

Walker: Destroy him? No. I want revenge. And I need him alive for that. And since this Danny Phantom set my prisoners free, I wanna turn his world into the prison he escaped. Take my crew. *The guards smile evilly* Cause as much havoc as you can and sniff this kid out for me. And you'll be free of me forever. Do we have a deal?

We then see Wulf smiles evilly as the camera cuts to Amity Park, where a man is in panic.

Man: Ghosts!

Walker's goons are all over the place, causing chaos as you, Danny, Sam, and Tucker are looking on.

Sam: Oh man! I've never seen this many ghosts attacking at once!

(F/N): It's like the mardi gra of ghost attacks!

Danny: I'm gonna need a bigger thermos! *Tackled by a ghost*

Tucker: And a paramedic!

Later on, back at Casper High School we see kids are watching a newscast about the previous night's chaos.

News reporter: This was the scene in Amity Park last night as ghosts - that's right, ghosts - caused hundreds of thousands in damage. I'm Shelli Rakimata, and this is "ghost watch", Day 2. *TV is turned off*.

Mayor: Now, I know you kids are scared because ghosts are scary, scary things, *The kids all look unphased* but I came to your school, not because this is a great photo opportunity... *Turns and smiles for photographers* but because you children are our future... Voters.

(F/N): Oh brother...

Mayor: *Laughs at his joke as more photos are taken of him* And now, I'd like to turn this over to Principal Ishiyama, who is here to inform you of some exciting rules and restrictions.

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