Chapter 54: New Day, New Powers.

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It's been a day since (F/N) and Paulina got new powers and (F/N) bonding with Strider and Paulina getting a new dragon form.

Here we see the camera open in on Casper High as we fade to Paulina talking to Star and Barby.

Star: So how was your picnic date yesterday?

Paulina: It was amazing, until Danny and the others showed up.

Barby: Yikes, sorry to hear that.

Paulina: It's okay, it wasn't all bad. Although a… ghost crashed the party but we beat it back to the ghost zone.

Barby: Awesome.

Star: You know, with how much time you spend with (F/N) you'd think you two would get married by now.

Barby: Yeah, plus how much you two love each other.

Paulina: Yep, although we're not exactly sure if we want to get married in highschool or when we graduated.

Babry: Well the future is unpredictable. I'm sure you two will be happy together.

Paulina: Yeah we will. Plus, we did take our relationship to the next level.

Star: Really? What did you do?

Paulina: *Looks around to make sure no one is listening* *To Star and Barby* *Whispers so only Star and Barby can hear* I started sleeping in my underwear with (F/N).

Star and Barby: *In a whisper tone* What?!

Star: *Whispers* No way! That's a bold move Paulina.

Barby: Yeah, you never do that. What did (F/N) think?

Paulina: Well she didn't mind it one bit, *giggles* especially the "rear" view.

Star: *Laughs* Oh man, bold move on your end.

Just then we see two arms wrap around Paulina as she looked to see it was (F/N) and Kiki.

(F/N): Hey babe I missed you.

Paulina: *Giggles* Not as much as you missed you, batata~.

The two girls shared a kiss feeling bliss as we see Star, Barby, Ashly Paige and Mia, who had just been on their way to have lunch together, saw this interaction and couldn't help but gush over it.

Mia: Aww…

Paige: I gotta admit, they are really cute together…

Ashley:  Yeah…

Star: And they're inseparable.

Barby: And have a strong bond of a healthy relationship.

One female did not agree with this sentiment, a jealous semi-popular girl who also has blue eyes.who saw the who's pencil had unintentionally snapped in two upon seeing them together... again.

It was Trixie and as always, she was jealous over the love between her step-sister and the girl that they both fancied.

Trixie: *In her head* That little witch thief! *Goes outside for lunch* Enjoy your time while you can Rosa, (F/N) will be mine!

Sam saw this and rolled her eyes.

Sam: As ifI needed another reason to skip lunch…

Danny: Come on you gotta admit, they really love each other.

Tucker: Yeah, it would be hard to separate them.

Sam: Pfft, yeah. I still don't get why (F/N) is still with her, sure she has ghost powers now, and is… kind of nice. *In a stubborn tone* But she's just a sha

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