Chapter 44: Eye for an Eye

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It's been a week since the ecto acne incident

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It's been a week since the ecto acne incident.

Here we open with Vlad Plasmius floating near his newly built Mansion.

Vlad: At last, my new mansion is complete! *He phases into the house and into the Master Bedroom.* Bigger and better than what it was before! *He then phases into a stunningly immaculate kitchen.* Everything is absolute state of the art! *He then phases into his new, underground laboratory* Including my new subterranean Ghost Lab. Completely undetectable to prying eyes. *Finally, he phases into his study and reverts back to Vlad Masters. He walks around the study, clearly feeling proud of himself and his renewed home.* This showplace is the pure embodiment of me; Larger than life, reeking of money and power and totally impenetrable.

Just as he finishes the last word, a loud rumbling sound is heard running across the walls.

Vlad: What in the blazes-!?

Just then, the white 'Guys in White' tank breaks through one of the mansion's walls, federals leaking into the house in its wake.

Operative O: Operation White Wall, go! Tear this place apart. If there's Ghost Contraband in here we'll find it!

Vlad: See here! I demand an explanation!

Operative K: Save it for the slow and painful interrogation, rich boy!

Guys in White pour into the house and start dismantling Vlad's house with mallets

Vlad: NOOOO!!!!

Vlad's mansion crumbles to the ground and everything is left in ruins. He falls to his knees besides some of his scattered books.

Vlad: My precious house! Ruined! AGAIN! *Grabs books and hugs them.*

Operative K: Funny, no sign of ecto-material anywhere. Guess that Fenton kid was wrong.

Vlad: *Eyes widened.* Fenton kid? (F/N) couldn't have done this so who else, *realizes* *Mutters bitterly.* Oooh, so that's it…. All right then, Daniel. Game on. *Threatening glare. Turns to the agents casually.* You know, it's funny you should mention the Fentons, gentlemen. *Smiles.*

Image fades to Fenton Works, where the trio is watching the news on Danny's computer.

Shelly Makamoto: Although no ecto contraband was found, it's certain that the mansion itself didn't stand a ghost of a chance against the government onslaught! Now, on to the upcoming, mayoral elections…

Danny promptly shuts the computer off and both he and Tucker start laughing, Sam, (F/N), and Paulina looking at them disapprovingly.

Tucker: Oh man! That's got to be the greatest practical joke ever!

(F/N): You are really poking the hornet's nest now Danny.

Paulina: I'm with (F/N) on this one, this is a bad idea.

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