Chapter 13: Angels decent.

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It's been a few days since the million dollar ghost incident. Here we see (F/N) and Kiki relaxing in the lab while Danny was training.

Danny: I still can't believe you're from another universe.

(F/N): How is this shocking to you? You fight ghosts for a living, just like yours truly.

Danny: *Shoots a target* True, but come on, another universe, that's big.

(F/N): Well it was my universe, but now I have a new home.

Danny: Yeah you do, so um, (F/N) I gotta ask, what was your universe like?

(F/N): Well it was sort of like yours, except Sam was a guy and Tucker was a girl, their names were Tina and Sampson, or Sam for short.

Danny: Gender swapped version of my friends? Sounds pretty lazy.

(F/N): Eh, it's a big multiverse. What are you gonna do?

Danny: Fair enough. So were they like Sam and Tucker?

(F/N): Yeah, Tina was called the gadget geek girl, and Sampson was called the… well the goth geek.

Danny: Huh, so no difference then.

(F/N): Well, I had a Danny in my universe too.

Danny: You did?

(F/N): Heh, yeah he was like you, clueless, suborn, occasionally a jerk without knowing it, but the you from my universe was a cool guy.

Danny: Wow, he must sound awesome.

(F/N): Yeah he was.

Danny: *Realizes the situation* Oh uh, I'm… sorry for the loss of… myself? That sounds selfish, right?

(F/N): *Shrugs* Ehh, not really. *Pets Kiki* You got it right.

Danny: Are you gonna Sam and Tucker? About you being from another universe?

(F/N): Hm, I will, but when the time comes, plus I wanna see the look on Sam's face when I tell her.

Danny: *Chuckles* Fair enough.

(F/N): Yep.

The next day, we see (F/N) and Kiki at school  along with the trio as we see (F/N) reading a book on Paradiso angels she borrowed from the Skulk and Lurk.

Tucker: What are you reading (F/N)?

(F/N): Hierarchy of Laguna.

Danny: Hierarchy of what?

(F/N): Hierarchy of Laguna, they're the inhabitants of Paradiso. 

Tucker: So angels?

(F/N): Yep.

Sam: Why are you reading that?

(F/N): Just in case we ever encounter one. Or more.

Sam: Please, when will that ever happen?

(F/N): We fight ghosts and now demons for a living Sam, I think it's safe to say angels will attack Amity Park.

Sam: Yeah right.

Danny: Sam come on, (F/N) may be right on this.

Sam: Seriously, why are you on her side?

Danny: I'm not, remember when that demon bat-

(F/N): Mictlantecuhtli.

Danny: Yeah him, it only wanted to make a pact with (F/N), and she's the only one who could tame them.

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