Chapter 15: Control Freak

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It's been a few days since Valerie tried to get (F/N) but failed.

Here we fade in on the 24k Jewelry store, after-hours. Cut to a display case. The jewelry begins to glow and float. Danny and (F/N) poke their heads in to take a peek.

(F/N): Um, should jewelry be glowing at night?

Danny: No, and I thought the merchandise flying off the shelves is just an expression. *Comes in and fires a couple of ecto-blasts at them*

(F/N): *Fires some ecto blasts* Sure doesn't look like it.

Four ghosts appear as they are zapped, two male and two female.

Danny: Woah! Who are you guys?

(F/N): Must be a couple of strays.

One male, a dwarf, jumps on Danny's shoulders and pulls on his mouth then covers his eyes.

(F/N): Hey get off him!

Danny Hey! I'm not a hat person! Especially if the hat is a dwarf!

(F/N) throws the dwarf ghost off as he crashes into a case and sets off the alarm, Danny tries to leave and runs into the other male, who is much MUCH larger.

Danny: Okay, all things considered, maybe the tiny hat guy was better.

(F/N): Your just realizing that now?

Large ghost grabs Danny and (F/N) with one fist and throws them toward a female, eye-patched, who stretches herself across two columns, making slingshot across the room.

Danny and (F/N) open their eyes and the other female, a tattooed ghost, reveals herself to be covered in tattoos, which come alive and attack the duo.

(F/N): You know this would be so cool if they were on our side!

Danny and (F/N) power up and fire an ecto shock wave that blows all the tattoo creatures into the other ghosts.

(F/N): You know, it's ghosts like you that give ghosts like my brother a bad name. *To Danny* No offense.

Danny: No no, I'm with you.

Sirens are heard and a police cruiser pulls up in front of the store.

The tattooed ghost collects her tattoos, and she and the other ghosts phase through the ceiling, dropping their jewelry on Danny, and not on (F/N) which the two officers see when they bust in.

Cop 1: Freeze Inviso-Bill! *Sees (F/N)* Hey Dannie Phantom.

(F/N): Hey. *To Danny* Also Inviso-bill?

Danny: It's hard to come up with a worse name than that. *phases through the floor, leaving the jewelry on the floor and (F/N) follows him.*

Cop 2: Hey. Want to take this stuff and blame the ghost kid?

Cop 1: *sigh* You're under arrest.

Cop 2: Awww...

The next day we see Sam is sleeping soundly until a shaft of light hits her face.

Pam: Good morning, sunshine! And how do we greet the brand new day?

Jeremy: With a smile on your face and an attitude of gratitude!

Sam:. *Groans and wraps pillow around head* I'm a creature of the night doomed to a family of morning people.

Pam: Uh, Sam, sweetie, I thought maybe we'd try to mix it up a little with the wardrobe today. *produces pink sundress with yellow floral print*

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