Chapter 60: D-Stabilized.

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It's been a day since the bath incident and (F/N) and Paulina having some "fun" afterwards.

Here we open with a shot of a busy highway before zooming to an alley between two buildings where a small glowing form can be seen hiding among a couple of boxes. A close-up reveals it's Dani in ghost form. After checking her surroundings she emerges from her hiding place.

Dani: *Extremely weak.* Finally, I'm back. *Look in the window, and see her reflection.* Uh-oh. Whoa, that's one scary ghost. I got to get to Danny and (F/N) fast. *Starts flying slowly.* Or slow, slow’s good. *Flies even slower. Sarcastically.* Or slower, even slower is better. *Stopped flying. Feet start to dissolve.* Ahh! I just hope Danny and (F/N) can help me! *Reabsorbs feet.* I can't let him find me! Okay, pull yourself together Danielle. Vlad is all the way in Colorado. There's no way he can know you're here. *Starts flying again.*

The camera zooms in to reveal a robotic bug on a telephone pole that looks a lot like Vlad, that flies after her,tracking. The scene then changes to inside Vlad's mansion where he's watching the events on his TV which is hooked up to his spy bug

Vlad: *Floating in his house, petting a cat.* Well, well, well. The return of the prodigal daughter. She's looked better, and yet she survived, the question is why? *Cat he is holding meows.* Oh, yes, I agree, Maddie. It’s time for a little research. But she’s hardly going to come running home to daddy… *Maddie jumps out of his arms on to his desk and points to the button to call Valerie.* Oh, Maddie, you are so brilliant! Yes, let’s call on daddy's little helper. *Vlad becomes human and calls Valerie.*

Valerie comes in the window on her board.

Vlad: Well, that certainly was fast. My, don't you look fancy.

Valerie: Got a few upgrades.

Vlad: Well, perhaps you'd be willing to upgrade your life as well. Wouldn't you like to finally move out of that rundown apartment?

Valerie: *Board disappears.* Mmm-hmm. What do you need, Mister Masters?

Vlad: A little bounty hunting.

Valerie Hunting down ghost scum is what I'm all about. The target?

Vlad: Dani Phantom.

Valerie: Danny Phantom? That guy and his sister have been an intangible pain in my butt for a long time.

Vlad: Oh, no, sorry, my dear, not Danny or Dannie Phantom. *Turns the computer monitor around for Valerie to see.* Dani Phantom, with an "I". A girl ghost.

Valerie You’re kidding, there's another girl called Dani Phantom? Ha! These ghosts need to come up with more original names.

(A/N: Oh, like Red Huntress is any better).

Vlad: Yes, well, this Dani Phantom is an incredibly evil, dangerous ghost out to destroy me.
Valerie What's she got against you?

Vlad: Word must be out that I am hunting down ghosts. Once she brings me down, who knows what kind of terror she will unleash on our fair city?

Valerie: There is no way I'm letting the ghost girl get you, Mr. Masters. She is as good as caught. *Starts typing on her tracker.*

Vlad: I knew I could count on you, Valerie.
Valerie And I’m glad I can count on that new apartment!

Her board reappears. She lands on it and flies off through the window,leaving Vlad alone.

Vlad: It will be so nice to get my little girl back. *He begins to laugh maniacally. Maddie meows loudly and angrily.* Oh, relax, Maddie. You’re still my favorite. *He scratches her chin*

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