Chapter 53: New Day, New Look.

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It's been a day since Paulina's evil step sister and her friend enrolled in Casper High and become members of the A-listers much to her annoyance and (F/N)'s since Trixie has been non-stop flirting with her.

Here we see the camera fade to Casper High where we see (F/N) checking herself out in the mirror in her locker.

(F/N): Hmm… maybe I should start changing up my look.

Paulina, Kiki, and the trio come by and see (F/N) checking herself out.

Paulina: Hey batata, what are you doing?

(F/N): Nothing much, but I gotta ask, should I change up my look?

Sam: What do you mean? You look fine.

Tucker: Yeah nothing wrong with your look.

(F/N): Well lately I've been getting the wrong feeling.

Danny: What do you mean?

(F/N): Well-

Random Nerd 1: *Walking by* Hey girl-Danny.

Jock: *Walking by* Hey Girl Fenton.

Band geek: *Walking by* Hey girl version of Danny.

(F/N): That's why.

Sam: People still think you're a girl version of Danny?

(F/N): Yeah, and I'm sick of it. *To Danny* No offense Danny, but I think you're the only person that can pull off the white and red shirt.

Danny: None taken, *brief pause* I think?

Tucker: So you're gonna change up your look?

(F/N): Yes, *to Sam who was about to speak up* And no, I'm not going goth, Tucker already told me.

Sam: Darn it!

Paulina: Well no matter what you wear I'll still love you.

(F/N): Aww, same here sweetie, even if you were in your undies I'd still love you, although I might not be able to take my eyes off of you.

Paulina: *Chuckles* True, I might actually change up my look too.

(F/N): Cool, but that's completely up to you.

Paulina: *Smiles* Thanks hun. *Feels a spank on her butt* Eep! *giggles* Really sweetie~?

(F/N): *Chuckles* Sorry I couldn't resist.

Sam: You could have resisted.

(F/N): Oh please, you and Danny would do the same thing if you were dating.

Paulina: Plus you two would be a couple by now.

Danny and Sam: *Blushing* We're not a couple!

(F/N): New couple says what?

Danny and Sam: What? *Realizes* Dang it!

Paulina: I swear they make it too easy. Although if they were dating, they probably would not last long.

(F/N): Yeah tell me about it. Wait Trixie isn't around is she?

Paulina: Nope, she went home early for a dentist appointment.

(F/N): Getting her teeth whitened?

Paulina: *Sighs* Yep, she always gets her teeth whitened whenever she wants something or someone.

(F/N): Huh, I wonder who's the unlucky sap, *realizes* Ohh yeah, me.

Paulina: Don't worry she's not around today.

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