Chapter 17: Memory Blank

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It's been a few days since (F/N) acquired all the weapons in her dreamscape as well as fighting Bayonetta and telling Sam her secret and to Tucker too.

Here we Fade into a close-up of Sam's face.

Sam: Guys, (F/N) come on! We're gonna be late for school!

Zoom out to reveal Sam, arching one eyebrow and her hands on her hips.

Sam: Guys?

Zoom out further to reveal Tucker, (F/N), Kiki and Danny with blank, happy expressions far in the foreground. Sam looks exasperated.

Sam: Guys!

Danny: Isn't it everything I told you it would be and more?

Tucker You did not lie, dude. You did not lie.

(F/N): *Cries tears of joy* It's so beautiful! *Blows into a tissue*

Kiki: *Meows*

Cut to an aerial shot of a yellow monster truck.

Danny, (F/N) and Tucker: The Gi-normo Six-Thousand.

Sam pulls herself up to read the specification card in the truck's window.

Sam: Seats made of owl leather? Interior wood paneling made from the Amazon rainforest? *angrily* 12 gallons to the mile?! This car is an environmental nightmare! I know what you two should do!

Danny and (F/N): No.

Sam: You two could totally haunt this place! Scare people away from here and make them buy something else!

Danny: No.

We zoom out as Tucker comes to Danny's side.

Tucker: Cut it out, Sam. It's a cool truck!

(F/N): Besides, this wouldn't be the first time one of your bad ideas got Danny into trouble.

Sam: What are you talking about?


Sam: Smile!

She holds up an instant camera to her face. Cut to Danny by the deactivated and empty chamber that is the Fenton Portal, with white corners around it as if seen through a camera scope. There's a console next to it. Danny is hunched by it and holding up a white suit. A flash engulfs the screen as a picture is taken.
Fade to the printer of Sam's camera. An instant shot of Danny by some gauges plugged to the deactivated Portal and holding the suit in his hands rolls out.

Cut to Danny holding the shoulders of the white suit with a black neck collar. His eyes are closed and bubbles pop around him, showing he is clearly dazed by the flash. He opens his eyes halfway.

Danny: Okay. *puts down the suit* I showed you the Portal, *looks to the Portal hoping this is over* can we get out of here now?

We cut to Danny holding the suit, looking back warily as Sam walks up with her camera, and Tucker is right by her side.

Danny: My parents could be back here any minute. *looks back to his friends* Besides, they say it doesn't work anyway.

Cut to the Fenton Portal chamber interior. Wires are strewn on the floor. Sam walks to the center of the doorway with her camera in hand.

Sam: Come on, Danny. A Ghost Zone? Aren't you curious? You gotta check it out.

Cut to Danny walking up to Sam with his suit in his hands, looking up. The suit has a picture of Jack Fenton's face on the chest.

Danny: You know what? You're right. Who knows what kind of *looks up* awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that Portal?

We cut to Danny's legs as he slips on the white suit over his clothes, pulling it up so the black boots are nice and tight, but the arms are limp.
Danny puts on the jumpsuit, which has an image of Jack Fenton's face on the chest.

Danny Phantom: Sister PhantomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora