Chapter 28: Sapphire Ghost.

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It's been a few days since (F/N), Kiki and Paulina had their date and had an amazing time unaware that Sam and Tucker, or more specifically Sam, were spying on them.

Here we fade into Fenton Labs where we see the camera pan over to a very messy table and we see (F/N) mixing various liquids as it changes colors and Kiki looking at what her owner is doing.

(F/N): Almost there… just one more thing.

(F/N) then pulled out a syringe with a needle and extracted some DNA from herself which was some blood and ectoplasma as she then injects it into the serum which turns it teal.

Danny then comes into the lab and sees what (F/N) is doing.

Danny: Uh, (F/N) what are you doing? Wait, you're not going all mad scientist are you?

(F/N): *Turns around* Mad? No, scientist, yes.

Danny: *Sees the serum* So you made a baja blast?

(F/N): It's not a Baja blast, uh well I made it to taste like but that's besides the point. This is a special project I started back before my universe was destroyed.

Danny: Really? What is it?

(F/N): It's called Project Phantom, it's a special serum I made in my old universe.

Danny: What makes it so special?

(F/N): Well in theory, it's supposed to give a person ghost powers.

Danny: Wait really?

(F/N): Yep, minus the accident that you and I went through and the pain too.

Danny: So it could turn anyone into a halfa?

(F/N): Well yes and no, I haven't really tested the serum yet. And I can't use it on you cause you're already on halfa. And I'm not using it on Tucker and Sam.

Danny: Why? *Sees (F/N) and Kiki giving him the "really?" Look* Oh yeah, I remember what Tucker did, and Sam?

(F/N): Danny you and I both know that Sam would use her powers to "right the wrongs of the world" which would lead to disaster.

Danny: Yeah good point, Sam with ghost powers would be awful.

(F/N): Exactly. And I don't want anyone else like Vlad, the GIW, Valerie, or even our parents to get this. *Looks at the formula* looks like I'll have to put this on the back burner for now.

Danny: Well at least you know it works.

(F/N): Yeah it does.

(F/N) then pours the serum into a pink bottle that was labeled "DP+PS" and puts it in her backpack as she sees Danny giving her a look.

(F/N): What? Paulina and I bought matching bottles for our weekend date.

Danny: I didn't say anything.

(F/N): Yeah but you were thinking it.

We then fade to the halls of Casper High where we see (F/N) and Kiki talking to the trio about Project Phantom.

Sam: So can I-

(F/N): No.

Sam: But-

(F/N): Nope.

Sam: But I-

(F/N): Shaddep.

Sam: Oh come on, you don't even know what I'm gonna do.

(F/N): Let's see, trash the zoo, the car lot and prank Paulina, and if you think about taking the formula, I will spray paint you with permanent pink, got it?

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