Chapter 37: Styx and Sapphire.

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It's been a few days since the Masked Lumen incident as well as (F/N) catching Asier. After catching Aesir, (F/N) gave him to Clockwork so he could watch over him and Dan.

Here we fade into Casper High in the hallways where Paulina was giggling to herself as Star and Barby saw this.

Star: Another great date with (F/N), Paulina?

Paulina: Yep, ever since me and (F/N) went steady, things have been going awesome.

Barby: How so?

Paulina: Well for one we went to the movies to see Trinity of Doom and (F/N) was hugging me to comfort me.

Star: Ooh best girlfriend points on that move.

Barby: Yeah, what happened next?

Paulina: Well after the movies we hit the arcade, then the fair, and went on a rollercoaster. After that (F/N) walked me home and both shared a goodnight kiss.

Star: *Raises an eyebrow* Just a kiss?

Paulina: Okay we made out through the whole movie.

Star and Barby: The whole movie?!

Star: Dang girl, did you two even take a break?

Paulina: Of course we did, after half an hour we took a popcorn and soda break and a bathroom break too. We're not that obsessed with each other like some couples are.

Barby: Oh heh, phew that's a relief.

Paulina: *Chuckles* Yeah, she is the best girlfriend a girl could ever ask for.

Star: I still question your taste with girls but, if she makes you happy then I'm happy.

Barby: Me too. You two make such a cute couple.

???(F/N): *From behind Paulina and in a playful tone* Boo.

Paulina and the girls turned to see it was (F/N) and Kiki smiling as Paulina smiled too and wrapped her arms around (F/N).

Paulina: Hey sweetie how's it going~?

(F/N): Going good now that I'm with you~.

Kiki: *Meows*

With that the two girls kissed each other in affection as everyone was now used to this by now as we see the camera pan to the trio with Sam glaring daggers at Paulina.

Sam: I still can't believe that shallow puddle is still with (F/N).

Danny: Lighten up Sam, Paulina really changed.

Tucker: Yeah she's not the girl you used to know.

Sam: Seriously? Are you two still buying her act?

Danny: Act?

Tucker: What are you talking about?

Sam: She's playing (F/N), I know she is.

Tucker: Sam, pretty sure she isn't using (F/N). Plus she hasn't spilled Danny's secret or (F/N)'s secret or her own for months now.

Sam: How can you two buy this? She's using her.

Jazz: *Comes by* Who's using who?

Sam: Paulina! Who else?

Jazz: *To Danny* She's still on that?

Danny and Tucker: Yep.

Sam: Come on! How can you guys not be concerned about this?!

Danny: Sam relax, if Paulina really loves (F/N) and (F/N) loves her back it's not our problem.

Tucker: Yeah and (F/N)'s actually been a good influence on Paulina. She hasn't once flaunted herself to anyone.

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