Chapter 39: Meeting the Mom.

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(Takes place after Kindred Spirits)

It's been a few days since the Gregor incident. Here we fade to Amity Park where we see it's morning as we see (F/N) and Paulina went on their jog unaware that a certain goth girl was tailing them.

Paulina: *Sweating* *While running* So, how... much... longer?

(F/N): *While running* Another mile. I told you not to overdo it for breakfast, even if you're adorable with that syrup on your face.

Paulina, despite her tiredness, smiled and kept jogging with her girlfriend.

Paulina: *Sweating* *While jogging* I… still can't… phew… believe… you do this… every morning… babe.

(F/N): *While jogging* Well believe it hun, it's what keeps me in shape, you didn't think I have this figure all the time do you?

Paulina: *While jogging* Kind of. Who knew working out would be so sweaty.

(F/N): *Chuckles while jogging* Don't tell me you're afraid of a little sweat are you?

Paulina: *While jogging* *Wipes some sweat* As if, Paulina Rosa Sanchez is not afraid of anything, well except for ghosts, and getting a zit, and that mole, but other than that, I am not afraid of anything.

(F/N): *While jogging* That's my girlfriend!

Paulina smiled at (F/N)'s happiness which made her happy that she's with her girlfriend.

(F/N): *Stops* *Sees the park* So wanna take a break?

Paulina: *Stops* Yes please, *wipes her sweat* Phew, how long did we run for?

(F/N): *Checks her speedometer* About 5 miles.

Paulina: 5 miles?! Wow, no wonder I feel so slim.

(F/N): Yeah you get used to it. But jokes aside, you actually bonded with Madama Styx?

Paulina: Yep, turns out she made a pact with this girl named Jeanne, she told me she reminded me of her but minus the platinum hair and awesome fashion sense.

(F/N): Huh, neat, Madama Butterfly and Khepri told me they reminded me of Bayonetta and her mom, overconfident and head strong, though I don't see the similarities.

Paulina: Neither do I.

We later see (F/N) and Paulina at the park sitting on a bench, unaware that Sam and now Tucker were spying on them.

Tucker: Sam come on, this is a bad idea. Paulina isn't up to anything.

Sam: That's just what she wants you to think Tuck. She's just biding her time and soon she'll do something to (F/N), I just know it.

Tucker: *Sighs is dismay* *In his head* It was funny the first time but now it's annoying.

Back with (F/N) and Paulina we see them drinking some water after a long run and cuddling each other.

Paulina: Ahh, I feel so much better.

(F/N): Ditto, *Pulls Paulina in close* Nothing says victory like a good rest on a bench, and cuddling with my Sapphire.

Paulina: *Giggles* *Hugs (F/N)* And cuddling my sweet potato~.

(F/N): And the best part, no one is here but us.

The two girls shared a passionate kiss as Sam looked away and gagged in disgust while Tucker looked away out of respect for boundaries. That and he didn't want to be here.

Sam: Oh gross!

Tucker: Seriously Sam, come on, Paulina isn't up to anything.

Sam: Tuck, this is Paulina we're talking about, she's using (F/N) like she did with (F/N).

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