Chapter 20: Phantom Date

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It's been a few days since the Youngblood incident and (F/N) using the Deadly Sin technique for the first time.

Here we see (F/N), Kiki, Sam and Danny at school in the hallways. 

(F/N): *Kiki gives her a bottle of orange juice* Thanks Kiki, *opens the bottle and downs it* Ahh, *tosses it into a recycling bin* better.

Sam: Geez (F/N), that's like your 10th bottle today.

Danny: Yeah, you okay?

(F/N): I'm fine, I just lost a lot of ectoplasma with that summon I did days ago.

Danny: That does explain why you slept in on Sunday. 

(F/N): Yeah, I was so tired that day.

Kiki: *Meows* *nuzzles (F/N)*

(F/N): *Pets Kiki* Aww don't worry Kiki, mama (F/N) will always be there for you.

Sam: Anyways, why the OJ diet?

(F/N): To make new blood duh. Drinking orange makes new blood.

Sam: Wait, that's still a thing?

(F/N): Yep, it's a thing.

Kiki: *Meows*

Danny: Still, what kind of summon was that?

(F/N): It's called the deadly sin. It's a ritual that's a forbidden practice of the Umbra Witches that allows Infernal Demons to reach new heights of strength. Using their own heart and blood, or in my case, ectoplasma, as an offering to anoint the chosen demon with the magic energies within, the witch performing the ritual can transform any summoned demon into a reflection of their true uninhibited strength with all new powers.

Sam: Wow… that's… dark. And that's coming from me.

Danny: Yeah, sounds powerful.

(F/N): And dangerous, I almost felt like beef jerky after doing that one summon. 

Danny: Well hope you feel better sis. *Walks off*

(F/N): Thanks, *To Sam* And nice job on that test last class Sam.

Sam: Uh, thanks (F/N). So I gotta ask, you do a lot of traveling right?

(F/N): Yep.

Sam: And I take it you traveled all over the world once right? And met some cool guys too right?

(F/N): *While organizing her locker* Yeah, totally.

Sam: So any special guy pinning out for you?

(F/N): *While pulling out another orange juice bottle* Nah. *Downs the bottle and tosses into the recycling bin*

Sam: Well there must have been one guy, you know, somewhere, some guy,  any guy.

(F/N): Sam, if your trying to find out if I'm gay, *Sam's eyes widen* it's okay to just ask.

Sam: What? No, no it's not like I was-

(F/N): Yes, I'm into girls, and I'm really flattered but… I'm into someone else. And you're not really my type.

Sam: Oh… okay.

(F/N): Are we alright? Still friends?

Sam: Yeah, yeah, totally. So uh, the Sam in your were you friends with her err him?

(F/N): Eh, yeah we were friends then we became a couple.

Sam: You did? Wow, awesome.

(F/N): Yeah, I thought so too, but turns out we didn't have anything in common. I mean sure we liked hanging out together, but dating my long time best friend that I knew for a long time, was super awkward. So we broke up, it stung but it was the truth. We weren't meant for each other.

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