Chapter 50: Vegging Ghost.

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It's been a day since the Nocturn incident.

Here we see (F/N), Kiki and Paulina sound asleep in their bedroom until (F/N) suddenly wakes up

(F/N): Babe, wake up!

Paulina screams, jumps out of the bed, and jumps back in.

Paulina: What?!

(F/N): It's finally here, the most magical day of all.

Paulina: What? The day where the old, hairy man breaks into houses in the dead of night with a bag of toys for the children?

(F/N): What? No, and for the record, that's the creepiest description of Christmas I've ever heard. I meant today is the day we veg out.

Paulina: You don't want to do anything at all today?

(F/N): No! I'm on strike! It's like if the tiniest thing happens in the town, we end up running a gosh-darned marathon! Look at these.

(F/N) removes the blankets to reveal fair skinned, toned, realistic human legs

Paulina: Fair enough. So, what are we gonna do?

(F/N) instantaneously appears in the frame, becoming annoyed with Paulina's questioning

(F/N): Whatever happens, we do absolutely nothing.

(F/N) stands on her bed to announce their plans

(F/N): First, we shall neither bathe nor groom ourselves. Instead, we shall clothe ourselves in the ceremonial robes of the blanket toga!

The scene cuts to (F/N) opening and closing the fridge for the next paragraph, eventually settling on squeezing fermented orange juice, now cheese, into a glass. Despite what she mentioned about pickles, she doesn't actually get any

(F/N): Then we shall open and close the door of the fridge so many times that we lower our standards, so many times that we eventually settle for a feast of expired pickles, slightly fermented orange juice, and what was once butter but may now be cheese!

The scene cuts to (F/N) holding a glass that becomes dirty, then carelessly throwing it away in exchange for a clean bowl, but dirtiness starts to cling to the bowl Paulina is holding and he throws that away carelessly as well, lastly (F/N) holds a clean plate for the next paragraph

(F/N): If the glasses are dirty, we shall drink out of bowls, and if the bowls are dirty, we shall drink out of plates!

The scene cuts to (F/N) and Paulina relaxing under a blanket on the sofa, then get up in unison, but become dizzy and immediately retreat to their previous position

(F/N): We shall nest under a blanket under the sofa for so long that when we stand up, we will suffer vertigo and immediately have to lie back down!

For the next sentence, it's once again shown that (F/N) is standing on top of her bed, then for the next, he gets face-to-face with Paulina to further convey her point

(F/N): And we shall continue to do naught until we are plagued with the guilt of laziness, and the sweat on our foreheads has turned to grease! Then, my girlfriend, and only then will we have earned the right to go to bed in our own juices! *Pants from exhaustion*

Paulina: Alright, so when do we get up?

(F/N) rushes back into bed and cuddles against Paulina's chest.

(F/N): When the discomfort of having to go to the bathroom exceeds the joy of lying in bed. *falls back to sleep while cuddling Paulina*

Paulina: *Giggles* Okay then. *Pets (F/N)'s hair*

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