Chapter 36: Return of the Masked Light.

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It's been a few days since (F/N) and Paulina gave each other class rings and went steady as well as Sam and Tucker apologizing for what they said when Valerie broke up with Danny.

Here we see (F/N), Kiki, and Paulina walking side by side holding hands as everyone was still surprised they were still together as the couple went to their lockers where they met up with the trio.

Tucker: So how did your date go?

Paulina: Amazing as usual.

(F/N): But we did have a few run-ins.

Danny: With who?

Paulina: Skulker.

(F/N): Valerie.

Paulina: Stopped him and sent him back to the ghost zone.

(F/N): Used an actual stop sign to stop Valerie in a comedic way.

Sam: Wait, you stopped Valerie, with an actual stop sign?

(F/N): Yes, yes I did. And I told her to stop.

The trio then noticed the rings Paulina and (F/N) were wearing class rings.

Tucker: Okay what's with the bling?

(F/N): Well…

Paulina: After we both had an awkward chat with our dads.

(F/N): We gave each other class rings and now-

Paulina: We're going steady!

Everyone gasped in shock and so did the trio as we cut to the one student who had a Paulina shrine.

Student: *Cries* No! *Runs away*

(F/N): Man that guy needs to let go.

Paulina: Tell me about it.

Danny: *Sees (F/N)'s ring* Huh, looks like the ring I was gonna give to Valerie.

???(Valerie): What ring?

Everyone turned to see it was Valerie.

(F/N): Oh… hey.

Valerie: Hey (F/N), and everyone else. What's up?

(F/N): Nothing much, but…

Paulina: (F/N) and I are going to steady!

Valerie: Dang, congrats girl. I still can't believe you and (F/N) are still going out.

Paulina: Well believe it, (F/N) is the best girlfriend ever, *hugs (F/N)*

(F/N): *Hugs Paulina* And Paulina is the best girlfriend ever. *Kisses Paulina*

Sam: *In her head* Oh brother.

Valerie: Well hope you two are happy.

(F/N): Yeah, although, sorry things didn't work out with my brother.

Valerie: It's okay, I'm sure he'll find someone nice.

Danny: Hello, I'm right here.

Valerie: Oh uh, sorry again Danny.

Danny: It's cool.

Just then we see a bunch of students running away in terror.

(F/N): What the…?! *Stops Dash* Dash, not that we care, but what is everyone running from?

Paulina: It better not be Tetslaff in a bathing suit *shudders in disgust*

Dash: No! Worse! Bird people! Spears! *Runs away screaming*

(F/N): Bird people?

(F/N) and the others looked to see it was a flock of Affinities and Applauds as they were chasing the students.

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