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Nunew and Nat returned to his and Zee's house to get his belongings. when returned to Nat's house after sorting out Nunew's things.

James walked up to Nunew and handed the divorce letter he got from his lawyer. After signing it, Nunew handed it back  to James.

"PLEASE give this to Zee when I am gone." Nunew requested on James.

"So when are you leaving? NAT?" James asked.

"I booked a 10pm flight for him." Nat answered.

"We will miss you new." Nat almost teary eyed.

It will be the first time that Nunew will be far away from them for an indefinite time. He just hope that his friend will find peace  in his heart soon so that he can comeback to them early. James despite showing a normal face is also sad. Nunew is like a baby to him. He knows that Nunew is really so devastatedly heartbroken this time to be firm of his decision to leave. The three were savoring the moment that all of them are together and while on their way to send nunew off to the airport.

Despite wanting to be supportive of Nunew's decision to leave, Nat and James couldn't restrain their emotions the minute they have to say farewell to Nunew.

"Don't forget to message us when you arrive okey?" Nat said

"Always take care of yourself and try to relax for a few days to adjust at your surroundings."

"We will visit you soon in there." James added.

"I will, its time for me to go."

"I will miss you two." Nunew said as he hug them tight and walking inside the entrance of the airport.

He turn around one last time to look at James and Nat and the familiar place who knows when he will be seeing again.

Zee felt something was off when he returned home. He asked the maid if Nunew was already at home but the maid said that he had returned but went out again together with Nat. He was feeling uneasy the whole night.

In the morning, he went to ask the maids what time Nunew returned but the maid told him that his wife did not go home last night. Zee was feeling unsettled. He went to check on Nunew's room only to find it open. He check on any indication of the person sleeping on the bed  and from his side he saw the closet door was not properly close.

His hand was quivering as he tried to open it hoping what he is thinking is not true. There  he saw that the closet was empty. All of Nunew's clothes are nowhere to be seen.

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