Ch. 10 A Concern and Some Answers

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
This is not good; for Lily to be terrified to see me that she'll pass out.
"Lily? Come on, wake up."
I carry her to her room.

"What happened?" Sideswipe asks as I lay Lily on her bed.
"We crossed paths; I said 'hi,' and she passed out."
I figured he'd inform Ratchet though I don't think this is because of her unexplained Energon in her blood.

I thought Ratchet rushed to the room, but it's Drift.
"Ratchet wants me to check on her," he explains.
I know he has some medical knowledge because of Jamie's condition.
Something tells me even if she didn't have blue blood, Ratchet would want Lily looked at. Sideswipe tries to assure me.
If it's not normal to pass out from fear, but Lily did...
"She's been out for five minutes," I dread telling Drift.
Drift regrets telling me to hide in the bathroom. I do not like having to hide, and I can't leave without knowing Lily is ok.

Lily wakes up the second I close the door — leaving it open enough to hear what's happening.
"You're ok," I hear Drift, "here, drink some water."
"Sunstreaker won't hurt you," Sideswipe says, "he's trying to be nice."
I take my chance to see what's going on. Sideswipe hugs Lily as he lies on the bed with her. 

I wait ten minutes until Drift tells me I can leave as Lily is asleep. Sideswipe moved her under the covers.
"So what's your plan now, Sideswipe?" I ask.
"This is concerning, but you can't avoid her," Sideswipe comments, "is having a bot with her most of the time a good idea?"
"She'll feel safe, but will we just create a problem that she needs another bot with her all the time?" Drift says, "I will talk to Ratchet and Rung."
Drift leaves the room as I sit at the desk. I find a piece of paper and a pen. Lily is cute when she sleeps, but I can't stay here.
"So, how long do we keep this up before you're pissed?" Sideswipe asks, "she's going to be staying here, and Luke thinks Lily might be homeschooled for the rest of the school year. Who knows what will happen after that?"
I only have eight weeks to show Lily not to be afraid of me. Once I finish my note, I kiss Lily's forehead, take a picture of her, and leave the room.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
I was hoping to be wrong about Lily being a hybrid, but then we'd still have the mystery of why her blood is blue. Due to how her blood is suddenly blue, it's hard to know if Lily was lying about having no issues like heightened hearing and smell. Now she might think it's fear causing a heightened sense of hearing. 
"We need to question her uncle," Optimus says, hearing Lily is indeed a hybrid, "and inform Lily's parents."
Mirage begins his new case, finding information on Fred Jones and where he lives. We didn't think Lily's sire would help us.

Mirage's P.O.V.
It's clear Mason is having difficulty believing his brother hurt his daughter. He knows the only way Fred could have gotten Energon is by working with the cons.
I tell Mason he can leave and I can find the information myself, but Mason insists on helping me. We'll be interrogating this guy sooner than I thought. 

Lily's P.O.V.
I don't remember deciding to nap as I realize I'm lying in bed, and Sideswipe tells me I've been asleep for three hours. I thought Sideswipe put the snack on the nightstand until I find a note.
I'm sorry I scared you. I don't know what else to say Other than I want to be your friend.
The rest was added later since it's further down the paper.
I found out how much you like white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Good thing Sideswipe doesn't, so I don't have to worry about the missing cookies when you wake up.
So he can poison me.
Before I can throw the cookies away, Sideswipe breaks off a piece of one and eats it. His face as he eats the piece is hilarious.
"How can you like this?" He asks before getting his phone from the desk.
I sit on the edge of the bed and eat the cookies.

A few minutes pass before I hear a sound from Sideswipe's phone. He's now playing a game, but what was he doing before playing a game? While he's distracted by the game, I resume the sketch of Sunstreaker. I'll have to wait until I'm alone to color. Otherwise, Sideswipe will see this. Sunstreaker is too dangerous to be my friend and maybe one day boyfriend — or even to be with him for two minutes, but I still like him. — until I see him.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
This is so strange being happy seeing a human child eat a snack. Add, I left it there for her. Sideswipe secretly filmed Lily laughing at his face as he ate a piece of cookie that he doesn't like. I know it'll still be a while before she is ok being near me without passing out.

I didn't think we'd be preparing for a mission to get answers about Lily's sudden Energon in her blood this soon. I want to deal with this bastard myself. We all worry about what Lily went through that she doesn't remember. The next challenge after we get answers is to explain to Lily. I regret that she's afraid of me while needing to understand what is happening to her. I'm glad this doesn't involve being in physical pain. I fear Lily's fear of me is overtaking her fear of what's happening to her.

I talk to Sideswipe in the hallway while Lily is busy sketching.
"I hate she's terrified of me now finding out she's a hybrid," I admit.
"I'm sorry, but it's too soon to get her to do something with both of us," Sideswipe regrets.
"Damn it!"
In frustration, I punch the metal wall before walking back to our room until it's time to leave for the mission.
I don't know how to show you how sorry I am, Lily.
I don't understand why I regret scaring her.

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