Ch. 66 Not What We Want to Hear

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Lily is bored, but Ratchet won't let me take her to the lounge room. Glad I grabbed her tablet. Seeing the date as the screen displays results in sadness.
"There's a month before summer camp, and it's not like camp means goodbye forever."
I could tell her to forget camp, but everyone would scold me and say I'm being possessive. I know it's not good if Lily refuses to do anything but school out of the base. I can tell she's still afraid this could still fall apart. Hopefully, that passes soon.
I get her to watch T.V. before leaving the room.

Lexie was about to enter the medbay as I'm leaving. Even while she's about to visit Lily, she asks me how Lily is doing. Not pleased that I worry Lily is looking to skip camp. She'll talk to Lily. I tell her Lily is still terrified this will all fall apart. Both of us worry about that.
"But you'd like it if she skips camp?"
"Yes, maybe it'll be the end of dealing with scrap, and we can spend time together without scrap happening; but I know I shouldn't. The Autobots will say I'm being possessive."
"I know being possessive is part of psychopath behavior," should I be worried hearing this, "but I trust you just want to spend time with Lily because you love her. There's a month between camp and school."
"She's already not liking how she hasn't seen her friend. Though not entirely her choice. Add school, and she'll be stressed about seeing her friend and me."
"We might need to help her by using schedules. I wonder if you can meet Lily's friend without blowing the secret?"
Lexie walks down the hall.
Even if Optimus agrees, Lily worries she'll blow the secret. I don't think she'll relax while I'm at her house with her friend.
With Lily occupied for a while, I go to the training room.

Lily's P.O.V.
My mom walks into the room with Optimus, which is odd.
"Sunstreaker told me how worried you are," mom tells me, "about spending time with him and Veronica when you return from summer camp."
Am I going to be in trouble for saying I want to spend time with Sunstreaker? Though I do worry about Veronica and what she's thinking of the lack of contact. I tell the two anyway.
"I can't come up with an excuse for where you are for a month," mom says.
"You need to see your friend, Lily," Optimus adds, "I think you should go home at the beginning of July. Spend the two weeks before camp with your friend. We'll figure things out further when the school year starts. I'll let you decide if your friend can meet the twins. They know not to blow their cover."
Only two weeks here, and who knows how long After school starts until I can return here. I don't know about letting the twins come to my house yet. I don't want to agree with this, but I think I'd be told I'm going home once Ratchet clears me, and I won't be coming back if I refuse.

Sunstreaker comes back an hour later, seeing how unhappy I am, but thinks I'm in pain.
"No," I tell him.
He makes me look at him, "what's wrong?"
I tell him about the conversation.
"I'm not thrilled they cut our time together in half and not letting you come back the rest of the summer, but I don't want you to forget your friend. We'll figure something out."
He moves me onto his lap on the chair by the bed and kisses me. I'm in pain when he lays me back in bed, but I try to hide it.

Twenty minutes pass before the pain is hard to ignore. Saying nothing, Sunstreaker leaves the room. I can't move without being in a lot of pain.
It's not long before two displeased mechs walk into the room. Even though Ratchet would have Jasmine check the incision, Sunstreaker told him I was in pain. I doubt Jasmine wouldn't lecture me about ignoring the pain as Ratchet is right now before lecturing Sunstreaker about making me ignore my pain.
"He didn't say anything," I argue.
Sunstreaker showed me how he ignores his pain but never said anything about ignoring pain to me.
Ratchet tries to check the incision, but I push his hand away the second he touches my abdomen.
"You waited too long," Ratchet scolds and leaves the room.
Sunstreaker stands by the bed, on the side that Ratchet doesn't need to be on, and takes my hand.
"You need to tell me when you're in pain. Even if you want to be a soldier, I don't like seeing you in pain."
He kisses me on the lips, but I can't move my arm to hug him without pain. We are interrupted by Ratchet. He lectures us about kissing in his medbay as he sets up an infusion. He wants to try ice while waiting for the medication to kick in, but it adds to the pain. Ratchet hates how there's nothing he can do and leaves the room. Sunstreaker does not like he can't do anything to help.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I hate not being able to help her, but even if massaging the abdomen normally is a good way to help the pain, it won't help now.
Jasmine walks in, suggesting laying the bed flat. I know it's going to cause more psi. First, but if this will help...
Lily does not like this idea, and I hate how she's crying as I slowly lay her down. The only thing I can do is find something for her to watch on my phone. I want to deal with this without help even though our friends will gladly help. Drift is better at this, but I need to learn. One day he and Crosshairs will need to worry about Jamie and won't be able to help.

Lily is asleep a half-hour later and hopefully pain free. Lily will be completely recovered in time for camp. Not like we've been doing anything she now won't be able to for a few weeks.

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