Ch. 54 Camping Trip

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While Lily couldn't believe the painting Sunstreaker did for her and a painting they did together was of a place in her dreams, she didn't think Sunstreaker would take her to an area that looks like the exact place. Sunstreaker isn't sure if he should say this place has been in a few dreams, even if he's been here several times before the two met.
"This is another place that's now ours," he smiles.
They set up the campsite and her a fire going.

"Couldn't you cook dinner and keep the food in your subspace?" Lily asks.
"Yes, but we're camping. Be happy I'm not making you fish," Sunstreaker smiles at Lily's displeased look, "ah, I love this look. You don't know what humans can cook while camping, do you?"
"Just hot dogs and s'mores."
"Geez, your family has missed a lot with camping equipment. You'll love the plan for breakfast."
After the two have their dinner, they enjoy going for a swim before watching the sunset.

Sunstreaker didn't think they'd be up until eleven. Loving seeing Lily sleeping in the sleeping bag.
"I'm glad you can spend a month with me before going to camp," Sunstreaker smiles, "I love you."
He kisses Lily before going to sleep.

Mirage sits on a tree branch close to the campsite, hoping he's wasting his time rather than seeing the soldier sneaking around. Dreading that not even fifteen minutes pass after Lily and Sunstreaker go to bed, he sees the soldier who wanted to hurt Lily earlier and three others.
"They'll think he killed her," the soldier says, "I wouldn't be surprised if he's executed."
Mirage alerts not only the four he planned but also Optimus, Prowl, Red Alert, and the medics. He stays at his post, hoping help comes before disaster strikes.

A gunshot wakes up Sunstreaker and Lily.
"There's no way that's a human hunting," Sunstreaker comments, "stay here; I'm going to see who that is."
Lily isn't sure if she should stay behind, even if Sunstreaker will kill the human firing the gun.

Lily didn't expect three men to approach her. She sees it's the soldier who wanted to hurt her earlier with two friends.
Lily believes she's in trouble until tree branches move.
"Thought you could get me away from her?" Sunstreaker asks.
The soldiers smile.
"I said you need to feel the pain people feel when you kill people they love, but this is even better," the lead soldier comments and fires the gun. Lily screams, seeing Sunstreaker go down. The three soldiers run down the path, unaware Prowl, Red Alert, and the D.C. police are waiting for them.

Jasmine, Jolt, and Ratchet rush to help Sunstreaker while Mirage tries to get Lily away from the area. Drift has to help, while Crosshairs and Lighting help Sideswipe.
While the soldier missed Sunstreaker's heart, the shot is still serious. Sideswipe only feels the pain, but it's intense.
Lily tries to fight the two mechs, but they easily restrain her. Both are hugging her  — and each other — she cries once they are far from the scene.

Optimus rushes to evaluate the situation. Reaching Drift, Lily, and Mirage last. He helps the two mechs get Lily out of the woods. The three hating, they have to force Lily away from the one she loves. They have to walk further down the path before reaching the road. Optimus parked his alt mode away from the others before evaluating the situation. Lily refuses to go with Optimus.

"I'll go with them," Drift comments, "I rode with Crosshairs. My alt mode is back at the base."
Drift sits on the passenger side and has Lily sit on his lap. Hoping she'll fall asleep on the drive back to base.

Sideswipe passed out from the pain he felt from Sunstreaker. Crosshairs gets the capsule with the stretcher.
"Come on, no point staying here," Crosshairs tells Lightning.
They get Sideswipe on the stretcher and head towards the street.

Jasmine meets up with them before they reach the street, telling the two to take Sideswipe to the medbay when they get to the base.
"I'll meet you there," Lightning insists.
The three get Sideswipe situated on the passenger side of Crosshairs' alt mode. He speeds off as the two femmes get into Lightning's alt mode and follow Crosshairs as Jolt and Ratchet reach Ratchet's alt mode.
Lightning doesn't ask Jasmine how critical Sunstreaker is. 

Drift carries Lily to his room while Optimus waits for everyone to return. To tell Crosshairs and Lightning to go to Drift while he takes Sideswipe to the medbay. Unaware Jasmine is with Lightning.
"It's bad, sir," Jasmine informs Optimus once the others are out of the hangar, "even if he wasn't shot by the heart. I will sedate Sideswipe so he doesn't feel the pain."

Crosshairs walks into the room, seeing Drift holding Lily, who cried herself to sleep.
"She can't be alone, but I don't know if sleeping beside me will comfort or upset her."
Drift sleeps on the floor rather than the bed hidden in the wall above his. However, Crosshairs and Drift are too worried to sleep.

Jolt and Ratchet rush Sunstreaker to surgery while Jasmine monitors Sideswipe. Aware that whatever happens to Sunstreaker will likely happen to Sideswipe. Terrified she may have to do CPR. 

It's a long night. Finally, at six in the morning, Sunstreaker is out of surgery. 
"He's stable enough not to need the ventilator," Ratchet tells Jasmine, "there's something good about this. I have him sedated for a few hours. He'll be fine with a venturi mask," Jasmine also notices the nasogastric tube, "go to bed. Jolt, and I can watch these two."
Jasmine does as Ratchet says. Going to their room, hoping sleeping until noon will be enough, but worried about the twins and Lily.

Lily wakes up realizing she's in Crosshairs and Drift's room, remembering what happened. Seeing Drift sleeping on the floor is the least of her concerns. She tries to leave but misjudges her footing, falling on Drift. She knows this woke him up. Lily didn't think Drift would pull her up to his chest and hug her. Lily cries as she hugs him. Crosshairs wakes up, hoping to help, but the two mechs know nothing will help, and it'll be hell if Sunstreaker died from his injury. The Autobots would have to teach Lily about split-spark twins.  Crosshairs goes into the bathroom to make the call, hoping he can tell Lily something good.

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