Ch. 61 Argument

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Lily's P.O.V.
To my surprise, Lightning is making pancakes and bacon.
"See, I told you," Sunstreaker smiles.
"Cheeseburgers should be possible," Lightning adds.
There's now a table set up. Crosshairs and Sideswipe are sitting at the table.
"Drift is meditating by the lake," Crosshairs tells us and points to the lake.
I've learned this is what Drift does, but I feel like something troubles him to meditate while camping. With breakfast almost done, I have an excuse to go to Drift.

"Hey," I get his attention as I sit beside him, "you're not meditating, are you?"
"Trying to," Drift sighs, "I think I'm used to being with Jamie that three months away from her hit me — or maybe it's because Cade left her and her friends. He said they're ok, but I don't think Jamie is ok."

Drift won't tell me anything, but I'm still getting worried about Jamie and her friends. Drift knows he can leave now,  though I like how he, Lightning, and Crosshairs are helping Sunstreaker and me. I tell Drift breakfast is ready and head back to the campsite, not thinking Drift would follow me.

The plan after breakfast is to go swimming and maybe try fishing. We aren't in an area with animals to hunt, nor do I want to hunt. We aren't far from a hiking trail. Lightning brings up renting kayaks. It looks like our weekend camping trip will not last until Monday. I'm worried that Crosshairs and Drift are neglecting Jamie to help Sunstreaker and me. Sunstreaker is also worried as we watch the two mechs walk twenty feet to talk.
"Should we say something?" I whisper to Sunstreaker.
"They'd argue everything is fine, and they can stay. No way they're ignoring a serious problem."
I hope Sunstreaker is right.

During breakfast, we talk about renting equipment to do water activities. Sunstreaker argues we should buy the stuff. However, it's feeling like there's uncertainty if we'll be going camping more often to use the equipment. Both if it's just Sunstreaker and I or with our friends.
"You sure?" Lightning asks, "this stuff is expensive."
"How about one kayak and paddle board for now?" Drift suggests, "then, if it's just you two, you'll be set with things to do."
We agree, and the plan is for Drift and Sunstreaker to get the equipment. We know this will be expensive, but we'll let others use the equipment.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Drift, and I take his alt mode. First, we go to the base to ask Ironhide for help. I doubt he'd trust either of us to drive his alt mode.
".... we can't put the items in our subspace in public," Drift explains.
Ironhide agrees to help us before we tell him he can use the equipment.

We get a two-person kayak and a twelve-foot paddleboard.
"You're not kidding; that was expensive," Ironhide comments.
"Yeah, which is why we argued with Lennox not to help us. No way this would be for military training for N.E.S.T. We'll share these two," Drift reminds him.
"Him, sharing?" Ironhide laughs, pointing at me.
I don't bother arguing, but I couldn't believe how Drift was arguing while I returned to the store to grab some snacks.

Drift waits for me by the entrance of the store.
"Ironhide left already," he tells me as we head to his alt mode, "and not pleased I defender you."
"Of course, and he's probably looking to make Lily go back to the base with him. He's been acting as if he supports us." What the frag happened? It seemed like he was warming up to the idea of Lily and me being together a month ago.
"Do you want me to tell you the truth?
"That you and Crosshairs have been faking supporting us?!"
"No, that most are going to need a lot of time to get used to how you're nice to others, especially humans."
"I know you're tired of this, but are you and Crosshairs ignoring Jamie to help Lily and me?"
"She's ok, and I talked to her and her friends before Cade left."
I have a hard time believing that, no matter how they stay in contact with Jamie. I'd rather not argue with the two.

"... just leave!" Crosshairs yells at Ironhide, who's trying to make Lily go back to the base with him.
"Idiots!" Ironhide yells and leaves.
I can only assume he thinks I plan on killing everyone.
"I'm calling Optimus about this," Lightning tells and walks away.
I'm distracted trying to figure out what else Ironhide was yelling that I didn't realize that Lily was hugging me or that she's crying.
Ratchet hasn't cleared me for lifting, but I lift and hug her. The way she's hugging me concerns me. I'm happy Crosshairs and Drift are with us, but I still worry they're neglecting Jamie.
"Forget a phone call. I'm going back to base!" Crosshairs rages.
"No, wait! Let Optimus deal with Ironhide," Drift insists.
Sideswipe, did Ironhide threaten to report my relationship with Lily? I ask through the bond.
No, he argued that you're not nice and planning to kill us. Believing you would act nice for a month and know.
You'd think that would be proof. So now the question is this crying because Lily is scared or because Ironhide raged at her? Unusual for her, but...
Why would Lily hug me if she thinks Ironhide is right?
Drift has me come with him to the beach while carrying Lily.

We sit on the beach. Lily is now calm, resting her head on my shoulder. I feel like there's nothing I can say after Ironhide scared Lily. I hope she doesn't feel threatened.
Drift hopes to contact Optimus, but Optimus must still be on the phone with Lightning.
"Optimus will handle this," Drift assures Lily.
I don't think there's anything else we can say without talking to Optimus—another disaster of a camping trip.

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