Ch. 19 Progress

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Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I knew Sunstreaker wouldn't like this, but I can feel it's not because it's going to be harder to avoid going back to Cybertron — he'd like that unless it's to prison — but because Lily couldn't give him a chance. With her in school and homework, it's going to be harder to work on getting her to stop being terrified of him. This will test him. I told him it's not a problem if he can't get Lily breakfast every morning, but Sunstreaker says he will do that. Even if he has to go get breakfast two hours earlier than he has been.
"Maybe she'll be half asleep, and I can eat with her," Sunstreaker smiles.
I hate ruining his good mood by telling him it's not a good idea yet. Even if Lily is half asleep. 
Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning join the conversation.
"This makes things difficult. There's now limited time daily to get together with Lily.," Crosshairs explains.
"That might be a good thing for now," Drift suggests, "the concern is her nightmares."
"Hey, maybe this is a sign that letting a psychopath befriend a twelve-year-old human is a bad idea," Lightning challenges.
Oh, boy, did this piss Sunstreaker off.
Easy, you know everyone is worried about you being friends with Lily. I remind him.
Sunstreaker walks away before we finish our conversation.
"Bye, fragger!" Lighting says, which has Crosshairs panicking.
Sunstreaker, keep walking. I beg.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
This is another new experience; not being pissed at Lightning. I don't know if it's because I want to befriend Lily or I'm caring for bots aside from my brother, but I hate how the others will see this as me getting soft.

I spent the morning working on art. To my surprise, Drift texts me with a plan for lunch. We're not at the point where Lily will not struggle to relax when she sees me. Then there's increasing how long she'll stay with me without panicking even though others are with us. Then the two of us alone. There's a lot of work to do, and now Lily wants to return to school.

The scene is the same as the other day; Lily panics at first but quickly relaxes as she sits between Crosshairs and Drift. I sit on the other side of the coffee table. This is a good sign. I'm still close enough to easily touch her, but she's relaxed. Still, the sudden movement will scare her. 
It's also good progress that Lily wants to play video games with Sideswipe, even while I'm here. I can move and sit beside Drift while Lily is closer to the T.V.
"This is good," Drift whispers, "even if she panics initially. We can do this every night, and I want others to join us."
"I doubt anyone will join us. At least without showing how much they think this is a bad idea."
I know Drift will figure something out.

Lily's P.O.V.
I can't believe we played video games for two hours. Sideswipe would love to keep playing, but I'm sure I'm expected to finish the schoolwork Luke got for me.
"Your no fun," Sideswipe sulks. I don't know how I forgot Sunstreaker is here. He wasn't out of my field of vision, "he was here the whole time," Sideswipe says, smiling, "he will not hurt you."
Sure, until we're alone.

I go with Crosshairs and Drift back to my room to work on the schoolwork and to try to find out about their charge.
I've yet to find out about Jamie. That's odd unless she's no longer coming to the base — or is it because I'm not sure if I'll be coming back unless Ratchet wants to see me? What worries me is when Jamie comes back, am I no longer able to talk to Crosshairs and Drift? Though I can tell, Drift is hoping what we did this afternoon will be routine.

I finish my schoolwork a little before dinner. I was right about Drift's plan. Though he's still determining how well this will work once I'm back in school. I don't think he means because of homework. I will only be allowed to have McDonald's occasionally. Once a week, before Ratchet argues, I'm eating too much fast food. Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning think I'm ready for a little more time near Sunstreaker while getting dinner. I feel sick just thinking about this. I'm tired of dealing with this.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
While waiting for Lily and the others, I try to hide how worried I am as soldiers walk by, yet I want Lily to see how worried I am. Worried she'll panic and pass out. It's too early for this step, even with Crosshairs and Drift with her. Having her panic every day is not a good thing.

I'm happy the area is clear of soldiers as Lily and the others approach the cafeteria. I hate seeing her happy, and that's going to vanish.
Three, two, one.
Lily sees me and freezes, grabbing onto Drift. She wants to cry as Drift gets her to calm down. Lightning watches, concerned, and I'm waiting for her to scold me.
Sideswipe aids in trying to get Lily to relax. I'm still not convinced these nanobots are helping get Lily to like me.
I need to leave before she passes out. I tell Sideswipe.
Sideswipe now whispers something to Crosshairs. It's easy to know what he's saying.
No, stay here. Sideswipe tells me.
I can't believe I'm worried about Lily potentially passing out. 
She takes a few minutes to relax. At least enough for Drift to think she's ready to go to the cafeteria with me and the others.

I'm hoping she'll relax and accept the treat I got her. This is so out of my character, yet I'm not disgusted I have to do this. I can't get her to talk to me yet. 
Even the others are still trying to get her to talk about anything. I told Drift about the treat I got, but now I don't think this will go well. Even with the cookie meant for Sideswipe to show her that I did nothing to the cookies.
At least she's eating. Sideswipe points out.

A little time passes before I catch Drift looking at me and nods. This is so weird, feeling nervous over a twelve-year-old's reaction to a treat.
"Lily, look what I have," I get her attention and show her the bag.
I knew she'd look at it like I poisoned the cookie. Even while several Autobots are here. She doesn't know how a killer kills, and giving the victim the poisoned food while others watch is a rookie mistake.
As if he knew, Sideswipe grabs the bag and gets another cookie.
"Now, if he poisoned the cookies, he'd be telling me not to eat it," Sideswipe explains and eats the cookie.
That didn't work, Sideswipe.
Oddly, I just want to leave the cafeteria. I do not like these new feelings, but I can't be pissed at Lily, either. I'm out of ideas.

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