Moving to New Mexico

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I taped my last box of clothes. "Jennifer are you all packed?!" My mom yelled from down the hallway. "Yeah." I holard back.

My mom and I are moving to New Mexico for 'a new start'. At least that's what my mom said. I just don't know why we can't live here in Pennsylvania. I have so many friends. I've lived here ever since I was born.

Now all of that stuff is going to change. I walked down the staires fast. My mom said "Ready to go to the airport?" "Nope, I'll never be." I replied.

"Look." She said firmly. "You know we went through hell in this house. Why would you want to stay here?" "I don't... It just doesn't make since to fly all the way to freaking Mexico when we could move to the empty house across the street!"

I said shouting, letting my feelings out. "Watch your mouth young lady!" "I CANT ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!!" I screamed. I didn't see it coming.

Before I knew it a hand came across my face, hard and fast. Tears came to my eyes. "If you knew what I'm going through right now you would want to stay too." I said blank. Then I walked up staires and slammed my room door.

I sat in the corner of my room. I bring my knees up to my chest. I think about how my life is so unfair. The only reason why I didn't stop shouting at her is because if I keep my anger in I go crazy. I like seriously a problem, like I literally go to the docter about it.

After 5 mimutes of thinking to myself I walk out of my to and down the stairs. I reach for the front door, doorknob. "Where are you going a voice boomed through the empty house. The voice belong to my retarded mom. "I'm going to go to my friends house to tell them bye."

I said looking down. I walked out the door and ran down the street to my friend Kelly's house. I rang the doorbell twice.
After a few seconds my friend opened the door. "Jennifer?" She said. I had tears in my eyes. I didn't want to leave her.

She's my bestie. "Kelly I don't want to leave." I said voice cracking all the way through. I broke down she pulled me into a bear hug. "Its okay.

I'll come visit you." I sobbed in her shoulder. "I always have a shoulder to cry on." I said. "Yeah its always going to be that way."

A few seconds went by. "Don't forget to Snapchat, Skype, text, and call me OK?" "Okay." I said I'm her shoulder. I pulled away from her.

"I'm gonna go to Paige's house and tell her goodbye." "OK see ya friend." I sniffles and said bye. I walked two blocks away from Kelly's house to Paige's house.
60 minutes later
My mom and I have boarded the plane. "Hello everybody this is your captain speaking. We will be lifting off in 5 minutes." I rolled my eyes. "Do you really want to stay in Pennsylvania?"

I got excited. "Yes..." I said with hope in my voice. "Well to bad!" I paused and stared at her.

"Why would you do that? Why would you put me through all this?" She gave me no answer. A few minutes passed by. It was silent ever since I last spoke.

"Is our house a two story?" I asked. I mean really this all so all of a sudden I dont even know what our house lookes like. "Yes it is a two story it is huge! So is your bedroom.

We're going to decorate it however you want to." I gave her a fake smile. "You have a next door neighbor. A kid lives there...maybe you could be friends." I chuckled.

" We'll see." I said while putting my headphones on. I turned my phine up to maximum level. I listened to 'Im coming home by P diddy. While I listened to it I realized im not coming home, im leaving home.

I quickly changed the song before I started crying. I closed my eyes and tried to clam myself down before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.

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