Love and Hate

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As I breathed in and out my headache was getting worse. I sat up and put my palm on my sweaty forehead. I groaned at the sun in my eyes. "Are you ok?" I asked out of breath.

"Yeah...I'm fine." He also said out of breath. "Hey Jennifer?" He said with a hint of sweetness in his voice. "Yes hun?" "My leg hurts really badly.

When I fell I think I cut it." He explained. "Um..ok let me see it." He rolled his pants up. He looked away because he didn't want to know what it looked like.

I was shocked by what I saw I didn't think it was going to be this bad. There was a huge gash on his leg gushing blood. Blood was running down his leg. I need to take you to my place or a hospital. He looked at his leg and gasped.

Let's go to your place." "Are you sure?" "Yeah..OW!!!" He holard. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah let's just hurry." We walked home in silence. He occasionally would say ow. I reached my front door. I pulled out my key from my back pocket.

I unlocked the door. "Is your mom home?" Jace asked. "No she's at work." He nodded.

We walked to my upstairs bathroom. I got supplies for his injury. I walked him to my room. He sat down and leaned against the wall. "Here put your leg out."

I told him. He nodded and put out his injured leg. I rolled his pants up and scrunched my nose at how much blood was dripping from his leg. I put a towel underneath. I took some wipes and wiped his leg.

"So what's your name?" I asked him. "Uhhh....Jace." He said in a obvious tone. "Well I know that. I mean what's your full name?"

I questioned. "Jace Norman...." I nodded. I didn't want to ask him touchy questions but those were the questions I was dying to ask. I looked down and kept my mouth shut.

"If your wondering about my mom and dad you ask me questions, I'll be fine." I stroked his hair. I smiled then looked down. "What were your parents names?" "Diane, and Chris Norman..."

He said looking at his leg. I wiped up as much blood as I could.I got a cotton ball and put some Hydrogen Peroxcide on it. I rubbed it across the gash in his leg. "Ouch! It stings!" He holard.

"Sorry..." I said. I grabbed my band-aid tape and wrapped it around his leg. "There keep that on there. Jace you need to go to a hospital, you need stitches." I said trying to make him understand.

"I'll go tomorrow." I let out a breath. " Jace?" "Yep?" He responded. "How did your parents die?"

I quetioned scared he might emotional. "They both died of cancer." He said plan. "I'm truly sorry Jace..." He did a sad smile.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands." I told him. He nodded. I pecked his cheek and walked to my bathroom. I grabbed my bar of soap and washed my hands. I remembered that I had school today.

I walked back to my room. "Guess what I just remembered." I said. "What?" He questioned.

"We have school today." He looked at his watch. "You can still make it if you hurry." He said in a rushing tone. "I'm not leaving you."

I told him. "No. Go! I'll be fine." He demanded.

"First of you should know this, I don't take no as an answer. Second, I know you will be fine, but you will be fine with me." He groaned. "What are you gonna tell your mom?" I thought for a second.

"Ooo I got it." I got my phone from my night stand. I started to call my mom. Sat down on the floor. "What are you doing?"

Jace asked. "Shhhh..." Four ring later she answered. "Hello?" "Mom (cough, cough.)"

I faked. "Yeah honey," she said impatient. "I think I'm sick (light cough)" I lied. I put her on speaker phone so Jace could hear. "Oh ok, what are your symptoms?"

My eyes got wide. I don't know what symptoms to have when your sick. "My stomach hurts and, and I already threw up, my head hurts a lot..." I exaggerated. "Yeah I think you have the flu..."

'Yes!' I mouthed. Jace smiled. "Just rest in bed I will take care of you when I get home. I'm going to call your school."

I bit my lip and squeezed my fist showing I was happy. Jace came over and sat next to me. "Okay mom. (cough, cough)" I hung up my phone smirked. "Wow."

Jace said. "True chiz." I said trying to play cool. He chuckled. "So what do you want to do?"

I asked him. He shrugged. I smiled. He put his arm around me then kissed my head. I looked up at him.

Then out of nowhere I just kissed him. 'Dangit why did I just do that!!!!?' I yelled in my head. I looked away quickly. Jace lifted my face up towards his then kissed my back, but longer and more passonatly.

I thought back to the day we became boyfriend and girlfriend and I bit my lip and he said that drove him crazy. I smiled then bit my lip again. "Oh my gosh!" I giggled.

We started laughing. Our laughter died down.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Jace. "Yeah." I nodded and took his hand. I lead him to the kitchen.

Jaces P.O.V

Jennifer lead me to her kitchen I couldn't help but look at her cakes. I mean they're perfect! She opened up her fridge. "Ok what do you want I things for a sandwich, I have a lot of fruit. She bent down to look on the bottom shelf.

I mean her butt was right dead smack in my face. I ran my hand through my hair. I can't take it anymore!!! I pulled her back then closed the fridge. "Jace what are y-" I stopped her my smashing my lips to hers.

She smiled in the kiss. I lifted her up. I walked her into the living room and lay her down on her couch. I pulled apart.

"You freaking drive me crazy!!" I kissed her again. She pulled apart. "How did I make you go crazy?!!?" She laughed.

"Your pad melons they were just all up in my face!" She laughed. I stopped when I heard something upstaries. "What is it?"

Jennifer asked. "I heard something." I said alarmed. I heard footsteps. She did too.

Jason was walking down the stairs. With a knife.

Neighbor Next Door (Jace Norman)Where stories live. Discover now