Charlotte pt 1

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Jaces P.O.V

I opened the front door and let the girls go ahead of me. The last one out was Charlotte. I walked out the door and shut it.

"Oh my gosh guys...." Tessa starts. "What?" "What is it?" Annabell and Naomi asks. "We're out....WE'RE OUT NO MORE JAMIE NO MORE!!!

NONE OF IT!!! She shouts with joy. The girls share laughs alone with screams. They all group - hug. I smile. I feel like a huge hero.

Charlotte glances at me. "C'mon Jace you're part of this too!" I smile and roll my eyes. I walk up to the group and hug thdm tightly.

They all say thank you. I remember my princess, Jennifer. My smile fades and I back away. "What?" Charlotte asks. "JENNIFER, I FORGOT ABOUT JENNIFER! I GOTTA FIND HER!"

"Way, woah, woah. Slow down what happened?" Jackie asked. "Some guy kidnapped her! He ran right past me, threw her over his shoulder and ran! "

"We gotta get her back! I know I don't know her like that, but she's like family to me. ... you guys in?"

I smile. She puts her hand out waiting for people to join. Ruthie puts her hand in next. Then everybody else.

I smile. "Thank you. Now let's go! " We run down the street in the direction she went.

Jennifers P.O.V

I am running back to Jaces house to find him. I can't believe my dad is still alive. Can't believe it at all. After all this time I thought my own dad died.

Tears fly off my face as I pick up my speed. There is a bigfog cloud in the middle of the street. I am kinda scared to go through it. I stop in the middle of the street.

I start to see shadows of...people in the fog. It looks spooky. There is a group of people. I count them. I know its nit the first thing you do but still. 1..2..3..4..5...6..7...8. 8 people, and they're running.

As soon as they reveal themselves by running through the fog, I start to cry hastarically.

Its Jace and the girls.

They slow down when they see me. I sob. "Jennifer? " I hear jace call. I run after him. I a second he runs after me too. Once me meet I slam into his arms and hug him like I havent seen him in 5 years. He hugs me even tighter. "I was so scared I lost you..." He explains.

I just continue to cry. "She's pretty..." I hear one of the girls say. I just burry my head further in his chest. I lift my head up and smash my lips against his.

He kisses me back like he had the same plan. I pull apart and look in his eyes. I hear a awkward cough come from one of the girls. I look at them and keep my hands around Jace. I smile at them.

They smile back. I let go of Jace and I feel his energy go away. "Hello." They do a small laugh and stands there barefoot. I feel bad.

"Hi." They all say. Jace walks up to the girls. "Jennifer this is Ruthie, Annabell, Jackie Vanessa Naomi, and Charlotte." Charlotte has long reddish-brown hair, big brown eyes, and she is staring at me like she has a serious problem with me.

My smile fades. "Are you ok?" She nods quickly then looks down and sniffles.

Did I do something?

"You guys must be starving! Where do you wanna go?" Jace askes the girls. They get hyper at the sound of food. "Casa Grande!"

"No! Arbys!" "There is no way we are not going to Chipotle..." Jackie speaks up. They all agree with it. I smile. I guess I taking you there." They all smile.




Once we get to Chipotle we stand out side the restaurant. "Ok so what do you guys want?" They all tell me what they want. "Ok I'll be back. "

Jaces P.O.V

The girls go sit at a table but Charlotte stays with me. She smiles at me. I smile back. "Wanna go sit by that tree? " Charlotte asks. " Sure. "

We walk over to the tree and take a seat on the grass. "Thank you so so much for saving me and the other girls. Your a real hero." I smile at her. "No problem. I had to do something since my brother kidnapped you since we were 9 years old. Then I was so scared of him.

I guess I got brave." I look over at her and smile. "Ya Know then I had a huge crush on you. " She blushes. "Are you serious?"

I nod. She does a small laugh. "Jace?" I raise my eyebrows. "Hmm?" "I really like you. "I look down and blush a little bit. I look back up. Her long hair glistens in the sun. Her brown eyes embarrassed.

I lam in to kiss her but stop whenever I remember I have a girlfriend. But she does not stop. She actually kisses me. I am enjoying it.

I want more.

Her lips are so soft against mine. I love this I hope it never stops. I lick her lips. "Ummm..." I pull on apart immediately after hearing Jennifers voice.

Her green eyes are gray. "Have your food. ..." She refers to Charlotte. She gets up and grabs the food from her hands. "Thank you. " The inside of me is burning up. Charlotte walks over to the girls.

Jennifer just stands there. Then she finally walks away. I shake my head and stare at the ground.

Jennifers P.O.V

I walk into Chipotle again. I walk up to the cashier. "Hi, do you have a knife I could use. Not a plastic knife like a real, sharp knife im trying to unlock my car door. Silly me I left the keys in there."

I lie. She smiles and nods. She walks into the kitchen. She come back with a sharp knife. "Perfect thank you." When shes not looking I walk into the bathroom and lock the door.

I sit on the floor and brace myself. I lift my sleeve. I dig the knife in my wrist and gritt my teeth at the pain. Blood gushes out. It hurts but it feels so good at the same time.

I am the worst girlfriend ever and I want to die. No wonder he was kissing her. He hates me. She's so much prettier than me. I cut four lines down my arm.

Hey guys, this is sooner than I thought I was gonna update, but I updated. Its sad to say this but this story is close to complete and I am deciding if I should make a sequel after this I dont know. Probably not. So im deciding about that. Crazy chapter right. While I was writing this was getting hyper about the stuff I was typing. Lol.





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