Once Upon a Time

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In the chapter Returning Home I made him take Paige. That was a mistake. Pretend shes still with Jamie.

Jennifer's P.O.V

Jace and I we lost in the neighborhood. "Jace are we lost?" I asked. "No!" He said with no doubt in his voice. "Not at all. I know exactly where we are at. Do you want to sleep at the park?"

I sighed. "Sure..." He nodded. It was silent for a second. "So do you wanna talk?" I questioned. "Ok." I was scared to ask him but I did.

"Jace, why did you kiss Charlotte? Do you like her? Did I do something?" He stopped walking and turned to me. I stopped walking too. "Jennifer it had nothing to do with you.

You didnt do anything to make me cheat on you. I love you....lots, the only reason I kissed her back is because she kissed me first. But, when her lips touched mine, I just forgot about everything I liked the kiss and I know it hurts to hear that but its the truth...."

I was so hurt, u also got jealous . "So the kiss was so good you forgot about me and everything you did with me, was it that good? I mean when I kissed Zac it felt like it was more. Just like you except, I didnt forget about you, but it felt so good I didnt stop. I know it hurts but its the truth!"

I said angry and jealous. I walked ahead of him. "Jennifer! Jennifer, get back here!" I ignored him. He caught up to me and spun me around.

"Hey you cant act like a jackass because you are jealous! I said I was sorry! What more can I do!" I bit my lip.

"Get the hell out of my life!" I yelled. "Thats what you can do!" I stormed away from him. I turned onto the next street leaving Jace behind. I stopped when a car stopped besides me.

The person rolled down the window. It was my mom she got out of the car.

I started to run.

Jaces P.O.V

I feel bad for calling Jennifer a jackass. Any day I could lose her. I hear fadded shriek. I thought sounds like Jennifer. "JENNIFER?" I called. "JACE, HELP ME!"

Jennifer screamed. I started to run in the direction she walked. "JENNIFER!" I hollard. "JACE...HELP!" Her screams sound death-defying. "IM COMING JENNIFER!"

I turned onto the street she did. I saw a car flying down the street. I cursed under my breath. The car went in the direction of home.

I was about to run when someone called my name. I looked to my left and saw Zac standing on the other side of the street. He jogged across the street. "I just saw Jennifer get kidnapped by her mom!

She injured her!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "What did she do!!?" I yelled scared. "She stuck a knife in her arm..." I bit my lip and cursed again.

"I SAID I WASNT GONNA LET THIS HAPPEN!" I screamed. "Look i'll come with you."


He smiled.

"Its the least I can do for you guys for saving my sister." He said respecting me and Jennifer. I nodded. "Ok, lets go!" I assured. We started running to my house.

Jennifers P.O.V

Jamie walks me into Jasons house. She leads me into Jasons old bedroom. My arm is leaking with blood since she stuck a huge knife in my arm. To be honest I really didn't think we would we get kidnapped again.

I thought me and Jace would call the cops and get them arrested. I was wrong. I feel so bad for saying all that to Jace. Jamie pulled a lach in the floor revealing a secret room.

She looked up at me. She walked over to me and shoved me into the opening in the floor. I fell down dull stairs landing on a cement floor head first. Paige picked me up.

"Hi!" She punched me in the face which was already bleeding. "Payback is a 'b' isnt it?" She sat me down in a chair.

"Just like you..." She smirked. "I wouldnt talk." She pulled up a chair. "So how ya been doin'? Oh! I heard that your boyfriend cheated on you with Charlotte."

She smiled and shook her. "Dont you hate it when your boyfriend cheats on you?" He smile fades and looks up at me crazy. "In my case I guess I should say "boyfriend(s)" right? RIGHT!"

I jumped when she yelled. She smiled and then blew me a kiss. She got off the chair and walked away. As she did my mom walked down the staries. "Shes all yours Jamie."

"Thanks Paige."

My mom walks in front of me and stands there for a few seconds, silent. After a few seconds she squats down and slaps me full force. My hair flies across my face.

"You...you have been fooled. I have a few things to tell you." She says sitting down."Number one, You have been born in New Mexico. This is your hometown. Number 2, I am not your mom." My eyes grew wide. "What! Who is my mom?!?" "Do you really wanna know?"


"Well ya know Ruthie, her mom is your mom. Surprise!" I bit my lip out of anger. "Who are you?" She smirked.

"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a man and a woman. Hint me and your dad is the man and woman. Anyway, the man and woman got married and had a baby. We'll skip some time. 8 months later the woman had a big stomach and was very excited to have her baby BOY." Tears came to my eyes. "...But that very day the woman and man got in a BIG argument. The woman was about to leave him, but he got mad and shoved the woman down the stairs. The woman was really frightened that the baby would die. So she and the man went to the hospital. They made the man YOUR father sit in the waiting room. Well, they did some tests on me and they gave me the bad news. The baby was dead. The woman was.....devastated." She said fresh tears spilling from her eyes.

I cant believe this I have been kidnapped my whole life.

" I could just KILL him. But if she wasnt gonna have her own baby she was gonna have somebody else's. So she got a plan. When they were finished the woman told the man the baby was ok, and that they were actually gonna have a girl. The woman always wanted a girl. But she wasnt happy that it wasnt her own."

She says looking up at me crazy. If she tries something shes gonna see a side of me she has never seen before.

Continuing she says.

"So the woman waited for another month to pretend her pregnancy. The man was at work but the woman went to the hospital. She stole a baby girl named Fiona. Fiona- Jane- Johanson. Which is you if you are too stuiped to realize. So the family was living very happily. Except for the woman. The father became abusive. And it gave the woman an even bigger reason to kill him. But then he died, but the woman wasnt satisfied. She wanted more. She saw how happy the child was. She wanted that happiness. SO,..." She said deciding to get up. She grabbed a gun out of her pocket.

"She decided to kill the child." She said cocking the gun. "The End." I squeezed my eyes shut. Right as she was about to pull the trigger Paige called her name. "What the hell is it!!?"

"You better come see this."

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