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Jennifer's P.O.V
I pulled apart before if got TOO crazy. We both breath heavily. "Sorry..." Jace mumbled.

"Sorry?...For what?" He poked out his lips. "For making out with you like that." He whispered. I stared at him. After awhile I started laughing hysterically.

To the point where I fell to the floor and started rolling. "What is so funny!!?" Jace exclaimed. "You!" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Me?" He questioned.

"Yes! You! You are so cute!*sigh* that, that was nothing! You'd be surprised on what I've done with other g-." I stopped myself. It was too late.

"What did you just say!?!!!" I rolled my eyes. "Nothing." I whispered. "No! I heard you say something!" "It was nothing!" I yelled.

"What have you done with other guys Jennifer!!!!?" I licked my lips. "I-gave-them-....haircuts?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Haircuts?" I bit my lip and sat back on the couch. "Yeah, their hairlines were jacked up!" I yelled. "Jennifer!"

He's said firmly shaking his hands. "Look I've had boyfriends before, and that's all in the past so can we forget about it!?"

I raised my eyebrows. He shut his eyes for a brief second. "Okay." He allowed. I smiled. Thank you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck while he gripped my waist. He smiled. I pressed my lips against his. I pulled apart. "I love you..." I smiled.

His smiled back wider than before. "I love you matter how far apart we will be." When said that it reminded me that we will be going to different foster homes.

I frowned. He rolled his eyes. "Don't be sad. We won't stop seeing each other." I sad smiled and nodded.

He poked out his lips for me to kiss. I did so. He pulled apart. He smiled I reflected his smile weakly.

Jace's P.O.V

A cop walked in and looked at Jennifer. "Jennifer we need you to come with us." She was about to get up when I interrupted her.

"where is she going?" I questioned getting in her business. I am just gonna take her into another room and ask her a couple of questions." I nodded accepting that.

She smiled and got up. They walked into another room. As soon as they were out of the room I let everything out. I started sobbing in my arms.

I can't believe I was about to break up with the love of my life. I love Jennifer so much. I was wrong when I was thinking that I shouldn't have kissed Jennifer. She could be in danger with or without me. I have to protect her, because I'm not going to let anything happen to my princess. I will make sure of it.

I sniffled and nodded. I wiped my cheeks, eyes, and nose until they were completely dry. I try to look like I wasn't crying as much as possible.

Jennifer P.O.V

Me and the cop walked outside. "Okay Jennifer I'm just gonna ask you some questions." I nodded. "When did you move here?"

"June 7th of 2015.." He wrote that down on his paper. "When did you meet Jace Norman?" "June 8th." He sniffled. "Did Jace ever make you feel uncomfortable?"

I had to think about it. Then I realized he kinda did in the beginning. Why would he ask me that though? "Where are you going with this?..." He looked up from his pen and paper.

"Just answer the question ma'am." He commanded. I was offended. "Well a little bit.." "How?" He asked right after I answered his question. "He was just...odd."

He wrote a lot of stuff down. "Have you ever been frightened of him !at anytime?" Where the hell are theses questions coming from?

"No!" I snapped. "Why are are you getting irritated ma'ma?" "Because these questions don't make any since!" I said aggravated.

"Just calm down." "Have you ever thought Jace Norman would harm you?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"would harm me..." I repeated. Then it clicked. "Do you think my boyfriend is suspect?"

Neighbor Next Door (Jace Norman)Where stories live. Discover now