Cut. Blood. Release.

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Jaces P.O.V

Me and Jennifer are walking side by side, holding hands. She keeps looking up at me smiling. I smile back even though I feel terrible.

I mean really I just got hit by a car. I just don't want her to worrie, and I don't want to take the time to go to the hospital when we need to get help. We open the door and walk in.

Even though we look and smell like we just went swimming in a sewer we still went inside. "Go get a table." I told Jennifer. She nodded and left. Zac started to go with her.

"Hey dude!" Zac turned back to me. I shook my head no. He rolled his eyes and walked towards me. "Stand in line for a sec..." I searched for Jennifer then finally spotted her.

I walked up to her. She raised her eyebrows questionably. "What do you want to eat???" I asked. She shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me."

I nodded. I walked back over to Zac. Soon it was our turn to order. I just ordered us all burgers. "$4.39." The cashier said. My eyes got wide. "Dude you have to pay." He furrowed his eyebrows. "What why?"

"I don't have any money on me!" I whisper yelled. "Fine!" He rolled his eyes. I took out money from His pocket and gave it to the cashier. "Wait here for our food."

I walked back over to Jennifer. She was sitting down with her head in her hands. I sat next to her. "What's wrong babe???!" I asked concerned. She looked up. "Nothing...!" She lied. I could tell. I just nodded. I divided to talk to her about it later.

Jennifer's P.O.V

I was not ok. I was actually the EXACT opposite. All this stress is building up on me. I felt like it was all my fault. If it wasn't for me we wouldnt be in this. Jace told me to stay away from him, he said this was dangerous, but I just didn't care.

I was selfish.

Now I got me, Jace, Kelly, and Zac a grave. I feel so guilty. I want to punish myself. I just don't know what to do.

Zac came to the table with our tray of food. He handed me the tray once he passed out. "Thank you."

"Your welcome!" Jace and Zac said in union. "Why would you say your welcome I'm the one who paid for it."

"Yeah well I ordered it." Jace said in his defense. I smiled at there argument. I reached over to get the salt. When I pulled my hand back my wrist got cut by a open nail. "Ouch!!!" I said not too loud. Jace turned to me. "What's the matter?"

"I cut my wrist in that nail." I said pointing to the nail. "Lemme see." I gave him my wrist. "There's a lot of should go clean that." I nodded.

He got up so I could slide out. I speed walked to the bathroom. I locked the door. I walked over to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I had dark circles around my eyes. My skin was pale, hair slightly frizzy, blue lips. I look terrible. I thought. I quickly snapped out if my thoughts and turned on the hot water.

I put my wrist under the steaming water. I winced in pain.

Pain. I thought. Maybe that's what I deserve. I deserve pain. I should cut myself. That's the only thing that will relieve stress. Cut. Blood. Release. I repeated in my head. Cut. Blood. Release.

I dried off my hands and walked out of the bathroom. I returned to the table. I sat back down. "Everything okay?" Jace asked. I just thought about what just happened. "Jennifer, Jennifer.???"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Wha?"

"Was everything ok???" He said slowly. "Yeah, yeah everything was cool." I nodded.

A few seconds later I felt something brush against my leg. I looked up from my food. My eyes met Zac's. He smirked evilly. 'Quit it!' I mouthed. He was obviously not going to listen.


We walked out of McDonald's. "Zac do you have your phone on you?" I asked him. "No, I left it at home." Jace rolled his eyes annoyed. "C'mon let's go to someone's house." Jace suggested. I nodded.

All three of us walked to the house nearest to us. Jace knocked on the door three times rather loudly. Seconds later a woman answered the door. "Look I don't want any of your cookies!"

The woman said annoyed. I held in a laugh. "I'm sorry we just want to use your phone, we're lost." Jace lied. I don't understand why he lied though. "Oh, ok come in." She opened the door wider. All three of us walked in. She led us to her house phone. "Thank you." Jace appreciated.

She stood by him. Just when Jace was about to dial 911 all of us were startled by the door bursting open. Jace wrapped his arms around me protectively. Jason walked in mad. "Now ya'll pissed me off." I started to breath heavier.

I started to get angry.

He pointed a gun at us all. The woman started to cry. He shot her in the shoulder. She fell down. I gasped. "ANYONE ELSE!!!" He yelled. I ripped Jaces arms off of me. "JENIFER WAIT!" I sprung up from my chair.

I was at my last limits.




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