Its Over

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⬆That not Jennifer its just her outfit.

Paige's P.O.V

"I TRIED!!! I DID THE BEST I COULD!!!" I yelled at Jamie through the phone. "Your mission was to kill her you failed!!! Your best wasn't good enough!!" I licked my lips. "I say we kidnap her like the rest." Jason says driving over a speed bump. I grinned. Jason and I were driving around looking for another victim. "Maybe we should..." Jamie mumbled. I looked at Jason. "Are you serious? We can take care of that..."

"Yeah sure we'll talk more details tonight at my house." I mouthed the word 'yes',enthusiastically. Jason chuckled. I hung up. "You really hate them..." He said. I nodded. "She was the worst friend ever!" He stuck out his toung. "How?" I exhaled. "Before we were friends I caught her kissing my boyfriend Mythaniel⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅
So after I saw that we became enemies. We had a couple fist fights, that is how I got this scar..." I pointed at a scratch mark on my neck. "Then one day she apologized and we became friends."

"So why do you hate her now?"

Jason asked impatient. "Two days before she moved here I saw her kissing my new boyfriend Zac. He hates her too. He hates her because he thinks she killed his baby sister but I did." Jason chuckled.

"So you wanna kill the chic cuz she stole your man?" I fiddled with my fingers. "You don't know how much it hurt..."

"Or it could be that you're very crazy?" He said sarcastic. I rolled my eyes.


Jennifer's P.O.V

I opened my eyes from a deep slumber. The room was dark so it must have been night...or morning. Jace was laying in the flat uncomfortable couch that guest slept on. He kept tossing and turning. I shook my head. "Jace, Jace wake up!" I whisper-yelled. He opened his eyes. "Come sleep next to me there is plenty of room." He shook his head. "Im fine really..." He explained. "Jace don't make me get out of this bed and drag you up here..." I whispered. He got up and climbed on top of the bed and last next to me. He turned to his side and faced me. "Thank you." I smiled. "Your fine I needed company anyway, I can't sleep without a teddy bear or something next to me." I quietly laughed. He smiled. "Jennifer I think I got my memory back..." I sat up. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "You remember everything, you in my basement, the girl with the long hair banging on your back door, us going to Applebee's???!"

"Yep...I can't believe you gave that Mythaniel dude a chance, he only liked you because you're pretty..." He said jealous rolling his eyes while looking away.

I smiled. I turned him towards me and kissed his lips. After three seconds I pulled apart. He smirked. "What was that for?" I giggled. "I'm happy!" He looked down and bit his lip. He smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned down to look at his face. "Are you blushing??!" He looked up imeadiantly. "How did you know its dark in here.?!?" I smiled. "I'm the blush whisperer." I say raising a eyebrow. He laughed silently."Would you move back to Pennsylvania right now?" He poked his lips out. "Of course I would, its safe."

"Do you have my phone?"

He shook his head no. "I think you left it in your pants pocket." I looked at my myself and then realized I wasn't wearing my regular clothes. I laughed quietly. "I just Now realized I'm wearing a hospital gown!" He smiled and rolled his eyes. I got up and picked my pants up off the shelf. I got my phone from my back pocket and lay back on the bed. "What are you doing?" I'm calling my friend Kelly..." I dialed her number then hit call. She answered after the fourth ring. "Hello?" She said in her morning voice.

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