Its My Fault

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That's Kelly⬆⬆⬆

Second day of updates...:)

Jaces P.O.V

I woke up upside down.

I felt blood streaming up my face due to the cuts I got from broken glass. I looked to my right. I looked out the broken window and saw a feild of grass. Then I realized something saw something dripping from the windows.

It wasn't raining so I was confused. Then I started thinking to myself what if that's gasoline? I looked to my left and saw Jennifer hanging from her seatbelt. I saw Kelly in the front seat laying on the dash. I took off my seatbelt and fell on the roof. I crawled over to Jennifer and tapped her cheeks.

She wouldn't wake up. I got nervous. I took off her seatbelt and caught her from falling. I carried her out of the car. I stood up on one foot because of my other leg.

I think it was broken. I saw gasoline streaming to the fuel injectors. "Oh my god!" I crawled back in the car. I carried out Kelly. She was whimpering from pain. I stood back up. I saw a spark in the fuel injectors! "WE GOTTA GO!!!"

I yelled. "BUT MY MOM AND DAD!!!" She screamed. "WE CANT LETS GO!!!" I threw Jennifer over my shoulder. "NO!!!" Kelly ran back towards the car. "NO!!!' I pulled her back. She repeatedly screamed no and cried. I started running dragging Kelly.

She was screaming and crying. Seconds later the car exploded. I fell to the ground. Kelly screamed no. She ran back to the car. I left Jennifer safely in the grass. I ran after Kelly. "KELLY!!!" I screamed after her. I caught up to her and yanked her back. She fell to the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!!? THEYRE DEAD!!! THEYRE DEAD!!!! THEY ARE DEAD!!!!" She screamed louder and louder each time. I sobbed. "IM SORRY I DID ALL I COULD!!!" I Screamed crying. She screamed and screamed. I looked up and screamed why.

I looked back up to the highway and saw Jamie standing there with a smirk on her face. I screamed and ran toward her. Her smirk fadded. She started to run. I ran up on the highway. She saw standing with the 'so called "A" team.' There stood Jason Paige and Jamie with smiles on their faces. "I didnt die yet!

Neither did Jennifer or Kelly so you can get that frickin smile off your face!!!!!" I yelled at them. Their smiles fade. I run/limp back over to Jennifer. She laying down in the grass. Dead or Alive? I dont know. I shook her. She still wouldn't wake up. I checked for her pulse. I didn't feel on.

"Oh my god!" I turned her over and started pressing on her stomach. I breathed air into her mouth and repeated intil she woke up. She coughed and sat up. I smiled and hugged her tight. I felt her shake.

She stood up and ran towards the car that was on fire. She stopped where Kelly was. She hugged her and stroked her hair. She helped Kelly get up. She walked back over to me. She sat down and rested her head on my shoulder. I brought my knees up to my chest and cried. I heard fire truck sirens. "I could have done more..." I said quietly.

Jennifer lifted her head. "What?" She questioned. "I COULD HAVE MORE!!! WHY DIDNT I SAVE THEM!!! WHY DIDNT I SAVE THEM!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "No, no, no you did the best you could! Jace you saved our lives!" She said trying to make me understand. "I feel like I killed them! I could have saved them!"

She wrapped her arms around me. "No, you did the best you could." Kelly got up and ran off.

Kelly's P.O.V

I ran over to the fire truck. All that I wasn't your fault crap was getting on my nerves. I swear he let my parents die.on purpose. He deserves to be kidnapped! I saw Jamie standing there on the highway. I had a good mind to punch her in the throat, but I had a better idea. I walked up to her.

"Kelly, how are you?" She asked sarcasticly. "I have and idea." She tilted her head questionably. "I work for you and you kill Jace in return." She smirked. I smirked back. "Here's the plan..." Jamie started.

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