The Girl Is Next...

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Styles_41: Hey guys in the last chapter Jace called Jennifer Jenna but I don't want to confuse you so its just Jennifer.

Jace trembled. "Relax!" The guy said walking into the room. "Look I'm Jason, what's your name?" I look at Jace.

His eyes got wide telling me not to tell him my name. The guy cupped my chin and pulled my head down to look at him. "What's your name?" I smacked his hand off of me. "Don't touch me."

I said calm and firm. Jace squeezed my hand warning me. "Jenna... Jenna Taylor." I lied. "Pretty name Jennifer."

He said scaring me. "Jenna! Its Jenna." "Really Cuz your name tag says Jennifer." Shoot I forgot about my name tag from school. I grabbed it and took it off imeadiantly. "They screwed up my name tag at school." I started breathing heavily.

I started to get angry I need to take my meds.

(Styles_41: If you don't remember earlier in the story she has to let her anger out of bad things will happen. Its in the chapter 'Moving To New Mexico'. )

" and Je....Jenna were about to go get some food." Jace said trembling a lot. "Okay.... We walked half way out Jaces room door when Jason spoke up. "Oh yeah Jenna?" I turned around.

"How old are you you seem too young to be making out with my brother." I opened my mouth, but no words came out. "We have to go she has very early curfew." Jace spoke up saving me. "Okay I WILL see you very soon Jennifer."

He said eyes getting wide when said Jennifer. We were out of the door quickly. "We have to get out of here." He said. "I agree."

Me and Jace road our bikes to Applebee's. The cool breeze of the door somehow relieved me. I let out a deep breath. We waited for someone to seat us while we waited we just basically played on our phones. "Hi, just two?"

A waitress questioned. Me and Jace both nodded our heads. "Okay come with me." We sat at a booth. The waitress gave us our menu's. "Okay my names Valorie I will be taking your order.

Do you know what you want to drink?" I looked at Jace. "I'll take water." I said. "Do you want a lemon?"

She asked. "Nah I'm cool..." I informed. "What about you? Water as well?" She said very nicely.

"Yea, no lemon." She wrote things down on her order pad. "Okay I'll be right back." I smiled and nodded. Jace and I started looking at our menu.

I new what I was going to order in about 5 minutes. Jace stopped looking shortly after. We just waited for the waitress to come. "Can we talk about this." I asked him.

"Of course." He winked at me. I tried to keep my smile off, but I couldn't help it. I bit my lip and started blushing. "Are you blushing?"

He said fake amazed. "Yes...." He rolled his eyes while smiling. "Do you think he saw straight through me?" I questioned even though I might know the answer.

"I think we are in a lot of trouble, I mean he knows that we left because we were staling to tell him your age. Its like right before he came in i told you he kidnaps 15 year old girls and now here he is asking you how old you are." I nodded my head. I thinking very deeply. "Why can't you secretly tell the police."

He shook his head no. "I dont want to take the risk." I knew right then what I was going to do. He took in a breath. "Soooo....Mythaniel?"

I was trying to understand what he meant then I remembered the kid who invited me to lunch at school who was carrying weed. "Come on you can't blame me....he was hot!" I whisper yelled. Jace did one of those fake I'm shocked faces. I giggled yo myself.

He lightly kicked my leg underneath the table. I laughed. "You can't blame me." He gave me evil look. I giggled again. He grabbed my legs in between his ankles.

I tried to escape his grasp but he was to strong. We were both smiling widely. "Can I take your order now.' The waitress asked. Jace and I ordered our food half talking half silent.

I look over my shoulder and was very scared. All the TVs went to the news. "6 teenage girls have been kidnapped..." My eyes got wide. "Jace...." I said.

"Hmmm.." He asked. "Look at the TV." He turned around to watch the TV. "...their names are Vanessa Naomi, Jakie Boyce, Charlotte Mathinston, Janee Wilson, Tessa Mae, and Annabell Clark.

There is still no clue who might have done this to theses poor inocent little girls?!?" "C'mon let's go." I told Jace." He nodded. We went outside.

"I don't want you to go home I feel like you won't be safe around him." "What am I gonna do hide from him forever. I cant." He was right. "Just be careful cotton head!" I said messing up his hair.

We both laughed at my goofy-ness. "I will babe." I felt all tingly inside from the fact that he called me babe. I pecked his lips. "Night..." I said quietly with a hint of raspy-ness in my voice.

"Night Jenna Taylor!" He joked. I smiled and giggled to myself. I walked back to my house. For some odd reason I felt like Jace was watching me. I walked into my house.

I yelled out. "I'm home." I heard my mom respond. "I'm in the kitchen hun!" I walked into the kitchen.

(Jace's Point Of View)

I walked into my house all the lights were off. I flipped on one of the lights and saw Jason sitting in the chair right in front of the front door. "The girl is our next victim." Was all he said. "No!

No! She's my girlfriend." I yelled frustrated. At the same time I was think why would he say 'our' I'm not in this. "I DONT CARE SHES MINE NOW I OWN HER!!!" he screamed.

I tried to think of a reason why he shouldn't kidnap Jennifer. "You can't because the cops." His eyes got huge. He sat there for a couple of seconds then got up and started choking me by surprise. I started gaging.

"WHAT ABOUT THE COPS DID YOU TELL THEM!!!" He screamed getting in the position to snap my neck. "NO THE COPS KNOW THAT THOSE GIRLS ARE MISSING THEY DONT KNOW YOU TOOK THEM I DIDNT TELL THEM ANYTHING PROMISE!!!!!!!" I yelled scared for my life. He let go of me.

"Oh why didn't you just say so? Tomorrow we are having a party so duck tape their mouth." He said calmly like nothing just happened before. "Please don't make me go down there." He handed me the duck tape.

"Get to it." I grabbed it. I went downstairs in pur basement. Where the six girls sit in a corner tied up and get food every first day of the month. They are all dirty, clothes ripped.

"I'm sorry I'm not doing this to you." Janee spoke up "we know we heard you talking to your girlfriend. " "Tessa needs her inhaler she's struggling." Annabell informed. I nodded.

I was struggling to keep my tears in. That's why I hate coming down here. "I will try
and get you an inhaler okay." Tessa nodded. Breathing small breaths.

I have to duck tape your mouths. I said sorry. I wont duck tape your mouth Tessa, just in case. Don't worry I will get you out soon." They all nodded.

"Please do." Charlotte begged. I started sobbing. I wiped my face. I duck taped their mouthes except Tessa's.

I walked back up the staries.

I need to tell Jennifer.

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