The Dangerous Kiss

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Jaces face softened when he realized my mom answered the door. "I left my phone here." He explained. I looked at the counter top and saw a red phone. He walked in the kitchen, and grabbed his phone.

Then bent down to my level. I know what that looked like but I can explain." "It's too late I already called the police." He let out a breath. "She was trying to kill me."

My mouth made a "o" shape. I heard sirens. I walked outside. I told the officers that he was just defending himself. They went inside his house.

A hour later they beleived his story. It was too late to to start painting my room so I just went to bed. The next morning I wanted to go to Jaces to see if he wanted to go to IHOP with me. I knocked on his front door. He cracked it open then peered his head around the door.

"Hi, can I come in?" His eyes got wide. "Why?" "I want a tour." He opened the door wide enough for me to come in. A smile spread across my face

(Some how a lot got deleted So its kinda short and to the point.)

We toured the house. Everything was mostly dark. Afterward we sat on the couch. "So where are your parents?" "In the ground in my backyard."

"Sorry Jace." I saw a picture of a woman on his mantil. I picked it up and sat back down on the couch. "Is this your mom?" "Yes."

I looked at him then the picture. "I can see the resemblance." I smiled. I stared in his big brown eyes. "You two have the same beautiful eyes."

I didn't realize we were like 6 inches apart.

We kept leaning towards each other. Before I knew it his lips were against mine. Hr put a lot of pressure on me so I started to lay down. It continued for at least 8 more second's. Then he pulled apart.

"You don't know who I am. I can't do this." "Yes you can. It will be okay." "No it won't.

No." "There's something you need to know about me, I don't take no for an answer." I pulled him towards my lips again. After a minute or two we stopped making out. I layed my head on his lap and chilled out. Them I fell asleep.

40 minutes later.
I woke up with a warm blanket on top of me. I was laying on Jaces couch. I took my phone out of my back pocket. The time was 6:43. I walked towards the door and started putting my shoes on.

My mom got home like a hour ago. "Jace!" I holard through the house. Have walked into the room with a questioning look. I have to go my mom got home like an hour ago!"

He just stood there. I stopped and looked at him awkwardly. "Bye." He walked toward me. Then he smashed his lips against mine.

He pulled apart. Then licked his lips. I bit my lip awkwardly. "Bye." I walked out of that house with a wide smile.

Although I did have lots of questions. How did his parents die? Who takes care of him now?Why does he act so strange? I walked into my house and met a mad of mom which was mine.

Neighbor Next Door (Jace Norman)Where stories live. Discover now