Drag Me Down

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Jennifer's P.O.V

As I walked toward Kelly her face changed each step I took. "What's wrong why are you crying?" I sniffled. "I just broke up with Jace." She looked over at Jace. I did as well. His face was buried in his hands. "Why did you break up with him??!"

I breathed in then out. "He was cheating on me." I felt her arms rap around me. She hugged me tightly. Jace walked over to us. "Can I talk to Jennifer for a minute?" He begged. She stroked my hair and walked away. I wiped my nose and looked at his eyes.

"Jennifer you don't know what's happening." I shook my head no. "Then please explain because it sounds like you are cheating on me!" He wiped his face. Tears started spilling from his eyes.

I was shocked. I didn't know boys cried. "I don't like it when your are mad at me." I bit my bottom lip hard. "Then explain because I'm not gonna stop intil you do."

He wiped his eyes and his cheeks then smiffled. He took in a deep breath while sobbing. "The day after we became boyfriend and girlfriend Paige came over to my house. She told me she needed to borrow my phone to call her mom.

I let her inside and handed her my house phone. Jason walked in and her whole expression changed. He asked her to come to his room. I don't know what was happening but she was in there for 40 minutes.

She came out and sat on my couch. She started crying. I sat down next to her and then she just hugged me. I was so confused. Then she just looked up at me then kissed me. Then we ended up making out."

I clenched my jaw. I knew what this was all about now. Payback. "Ever since then she started black mailing me through text messages. I tried to block her but she found a way to keep texting me." I sniffled. I started crying angry tears. "Were you ever gonna tell me. Please don't lie."

He looked down. He looked back up with more tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry just please forgive me. I was scared. I didn't want to break up with you! Please Im sorry!" He sobbed. "Please I love you!" I looked away.

"Were you going to tell me!!?" I repeated. He looked down and shook his head no. "I was scared, please get back together with me!" He started sobbed uncontrollably. "Jace I need to think... I'm not telling you no or yes I just need to think." He wiped his face off. His eyes were very red.

He nodded. I walked away back over to Kelly. "Hey are you two back together?" I looked away. "I'm still thinking about it." She nodded. "What was going on??!" I licked my lips." Paige and Jace made out and he didn't tell me." She ran her hand.through her long black hair. "You need to get back together." I furrowed my eyebrows and closed my eyes.

"Wwwhat!!?" I said holding the 'w'. "Wouldn't you be scared to tell your boyfriend that you just got a day ago that you made out with someone but it was an accident." I opened my mouth in amazement. "Are you hearing what your saying. He cheated on me." I heard Jace sob.

"It was a mistake your are suspost to forgive." I looked back at Jace. He was sitting down in a chair with His head was down in his lap. I looked back at Kelly. She raised her eyebrows. I wiped my face. I walked over to Jace. I sat down next to him. I tapped his shoulder.

He looked up imeadiantly. I signaled him to give me a hug and he did hard and fast. I smiled. "I forgive you." He started sobbing. "Thank you." He looked back up and puckered his lips. I lightly kissed his lips. Once I pulled apart he pulled me back into a hug. "I love you."

She said sounding blocked due to the affect of his head in my chest. "I love you too babe." I rubbed small circles on his back. He sat up and wiped his eyes. Kellys parents walked up to us and said it was time to go. I smiled at Jace. He did a small smile then sobbed. I helped him get up.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you so much!" I whispered in his ear. "I love you too..." He said quietly and meaningfully. I kissed the top of his head. We walked out into the parking lot and walked to their car. Christina unlocked the car doors. Everyone got in the car.

We put our seatbelts on. "Jennifer you mind telling us exactly what's going on?" I kindly asked. I breathed in then out. "It all started when we moved in..." I began. I told them everything that's happened to me this past week. "That's insane are you telling us the truth." Christina asked unbelievable. "Of course I am I wouldn't lie about this!"

There was a silence. "Do you know why Paige did this." I looked over at Kelly. "I might know why." She nodded. "Why?" Troy asked. I looked over at Jace. "I ummm...." Jace furrowed his eyebrows. I looked away then down. "Two days before I moved here I kinda made out with her boyfriend."

My voice getting squeaky each word. Jaces jaw dropped. I mouthed the word what innocently. "You got on me for making out with someone when you did yourself without telling me!!!" I grinded my teeth at his stupidity. "Now is not a good time to talk about this." I quietly through my teeth.

"Now sounds like a perfect time to talk about this!" I nodded my head angrily. "At least I did make out with Zac while I was dating you!!!" I yelled. "Ummm guys??" Kelly interrupted. "Stay out of this!!!" Me and Jace yelled spontaneously.

"I know i was wrong about that but you got mad at me for making out with someone yet you still didn't tell about making out with some guy named Zac!!!" I bit my bottom lip angrily. "We've been dating 6 frickin days when was I suspost to tell you!!!" He rolled his eyes.

Whatever you know you wrong!!!" He turned away from me. "Oh yeah well kiss my-"

"GUYS!!!" THATS ENOUGH!!!!'' Troy yelled. I rolled my eyes and turned away.

10 minutes later.

Jace turned back around. "Im sorry I shouldn't have been mad at you." I smiled. "Its ok, sorry for bringing that back up when I forgave you." He half smiled. "Its ok." I held out my arms for a hug. He hugged me tightly. "See isn't that way better than fighting?"

Christina brought up. I nodded. "Uh huh!" She smiled. I realized Troy and Kelly were sleep. "Did you guys fly here?" I asked still in the hug with Jace. Christina nodded. "Yep we'll be there in 30 minutes." She assured. I nodded. I turned my he'd back to Jace. He smiled and poked his lips out.

I kissed his lips gently. He pulled apart first. We de-attached from the hug. Seconds later I heard really loud honking. Christina screamed. I felt the car swerve. I looked out the window. I saw.my mom coming toward us fast "Jennifer!' Jace yelled. I screamed. She hit us causing the car to flip over! Tumbling down the median strip,

I blacked out.


Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you again for 1,000 reads! I want to be a writer when I grow up so it means all lot!


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