Holding Hands

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Preference 9

Steve: Alway the kind and loving boyfriend, he holds you hand while walking or exploring the city. He likes how your hands are so smooth and soft, and how your touch is light as a feather.

Bruce: he's unstable at times, and finds it helpful to have something real to hold onto. You always squeeze back, to let him know that you're there and not going to leave.

Tony: Being a big public figure, Tony has to be viewed as a professional. So you typically hold his arm and look fancy. But when you sneak out of the tower dressed down to get away you hold his hand like a normal couple.

Clint: He's got archers callouses and guitar string callouses, his hands are rough and rugged. Yours are smaller than his, but get cracked from having to wash them so often for work. (SHIELD doctor)

Thor: His hands are enormous compared to yours, but that does not stop him from holding your delicate fingers. He makes extra sure to be gentle.

Loki: He is very protective of you, so he definitely feels more comfortable when he holds your hands in public.

Bucky: Bucky refuses to hold your hands with his left hand. He knows it upsets you but does it anyway... But with his right hand, it's always connected to you in some way.

Natasha: Always. In public it's difficult to not be nit picked by the media. But you love each other, so you still hold hands.

Pietro: when you can get him to slow up a bit, he's fond of holding your hands and playing with the decorative rings you wear.

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