Mini One Shot: Breaking Treadmills-Pietro

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A/N:For those of you that read the pervious chapter "Video Games" you'll know where the inspiration for this one came from.

One Shot 16

It's no secret Pietro just simply loves to run. He can't stop moving. Stationary is not his thing. Thank god he never had to sit through any sort of Standardized Testing in school. Can you imagine the poor guy sitting through any sort of AP testing, or S.A.T type of test? He would probably implode.

The only real problem with this is, there's not a ton of room in your NYC apartment for him to run around. You found a temporary solution to the problem. Get a treadmill!

Yeah! Great idea right? Set up a home gym, treadmill, some weights, put a little sound system in there. We aren't using the second bedroom anyway.


The home gym idea; winner winner chicken dinner. The treadmill Knock Knock you suck.

The problem is, treadmill can only go so fast. They can't keep up with a man who break the sound barrier in a pair of converse. They do last for a little bit. Give it a month maybe two, it'll run until the whole thing just gives out. The mechanism just fries. So maybe 6 times a year you get new treadmill.

This is one such day when a treadmill is destroyed. You're having a "home day". Pietro's working out. You're getting some laundry done. Dinner is stewing in a croak pot. All the casual couple things.

But maybe an house after he started working out you hear the sound. Not A sound. The sound. The one that sounds like a whizzy bee, and then a loud. Pop Wand then an UGH! AH OW! SON OF A- OW! OW! OW!

You put down your laundry, and go to poke your head in the down. He's in a pile of limbs, with a few light Dumbbells that have fallen on him. Effectively smashing his nads.

You shake you head in mock disappointment.

"I'm sorry printsessa, I do was not mean to break so many things,"

You shake your head Again, and ask "you okay?" Because you do really care.

So that's what happens in your shared apartment. Treadmills routinely get smashed and you have to buy a new one all over again.

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