It's Not A Broken Heat PART TWO

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You awoke to the sound of light music playing. You opened your eyes, surprised to find yourself in a place you didn't recognize. The room is painted white, there are flowerer and balloons and teddy bears. But most surprising there is a man.

He's sitting slumped in a chair near the edge of your bed, sleeping no doubt. But you can't place him. You don't make any sound, or attempt to rouse him he looks like he hasn't slept in a long time and probably needs to rest.

That must be why he's in your room, walked through the wrong door and fell asleep in the chair.

'Poor man, he'll probably be so upset when he wakes up. He's probably here to see his wife, or sister or something,'

Soon after you woke up, a nurse in purple scrubs came into the room to check on you.

"Hi there," she said sweetly. "My name is Alice, I'm so glad to see you awake,"

"H-h-h-i," you croaked out, finding your voice a little rough.

"It's okay, clear your throat a little bit then we can talk," she said with a smile. You coughed a little bit, and accepted the water she offered you.

"Okay, try again," she prompted.

"Who is that?" You asked in a soft voice, pointing to the handsome man at the end of the bed.

The nurse looked sad for a moment, but answered. "This is Tony Stark, he-"

"Tony Stark? As in Tony Stark's Iron Man. Like the Avengers? Why is he here?" Confusion over took you.

"I'll let him explain that you you, dear," the nurse said. "Let me know if you need anything,"

The nurse left you and THE Tony Stark alone in the room.

Although it was pretty cool to have a famous person here to visit you in the hospital, it was a little strange he decided to take a nap in the room. And more than that, what makes you so special that he would come to see you?

Suddenly, he sat up. He looked dazed and confused for a moment, but then said, "oh thank god you're awake! I was so worried,"

He moved his chair closer, and leaned in to press a kiss to your head. This was a shocking turn of events.

"Um, not that I'm complaining at all Mr. Stark. But uh- what are you doing here?"

He didn't say anything, he just stared at you with hurt in his eyes.

"What?" He choked out.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't really remember how I got here, or anything. Did I get caught in a battle, or something like that?" You asked

His eyes went wide, he looked afraid. Like you had grown a second head.

"Oh no, no no no," you tried taking it back "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. I-I I'm just trying to understand what happened to me,"

He stood up, placed his hands on his head pulling at his disheveled hair.

"This can't be happening," he whispered. "This can't be happening,"

"What? What? What's happening?" Your flooded your eyes. "I'm sorry! I don't know what's going on," you went to wipe the tears from your face.

He sunk back into the chair, his face hardening into a neutral expression.

"I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to freak you out," he said, as if he hadn't just flipped out before your eyes.

"No," you said. "No no. What? What just happened? Please you have to help me here. I don't know where I am. I don't know what happened to me. I don't even know why you're to see me. I don't think I've ever even met you," you cried. Tears streamed from your eyes.

It was in that moment, when you wiped your face with your hands that you noticed something.

A ring on your left hand. You don't wear rings on your left hand.

You turned your hand over to look at the diamonds on the other side.

"Do I have a husband? Who-who gave me this?" You could no longer speak. Your voice was lost in a series of sobs and hiccups.

Tony leaned forward and took your hand.

"(Y/n) I'm going to explain all of this to you, please try to stay calm,"

Your sobs subsided a little but you did not let go of his hand.

"Your name is (y/n) (l/n), and you are my personal assistant at Stark Tech. We have been friends for almost 14 years. Do you remember any of that?" He began.

You shook your head no.

"I don't remember where I work. But I know I have a job. I've had it for a long time, and I think I like it,"

"Okay. Okay good. Um. In addition to being my personal assistant, you're the team manager for the Avengers," he stopped to let me take that in.

"I'm friends with the Avengers? Like like, you and Captain America and all them?" You couldn't believe your ears.

"Yes. The best of friends. They're all actually really really worried about you," he admitted.

You nodded

"You and I have been in a long term relationship for six years," he said, "and, ugh, I. I gave you that ring,"

Silence fell over the room.

"You married me?" You asked quietly,

"I asked you to marry me. We haven't exactly gotten there yet,"

"Oh. Um... I. I don't know what to say," you whispered, tears pricking at your eyes again.

He didn't say anything for a long while. You used your other hand to wipe the tears from your face.

After a seemingly unending stretch of silence he said.

"It's my fault you know,"

"How could this possibly be your fault?" You asked.

"I should have protected you better,"

"Tell me what happened," you gave his hand a light squeeze.

He told you everything. More than you expected him to say. He talked about waking up that morning, laying next to you. Giving you a kiss before going to the kitchen to make coffee.
He talked about you. Pulling him through stores, and smiling.

"You have a smile, (y/n). I don't know what makes it different from other people's smiles. It just make the whole room dim. Except for you. You're, you're just this shining beacon of light. And, I always feel like you're a light for me. You keep me from being dark and sad. Because you're always bright and happy,"

He talked about lunch, and the waiter that gave him the creeps. Then he was talking about flying out of the restaurant, and getting it by a small missile. And finally, about dropping you.

You suddenly could remember parts of it.

"I remember falling," you said "I remember feeling cold. I remember being alone,"

Your other hand slipped over the top of your clasped fingers.

"But I don't remember.... you,"

He set his jaw, and let out a deep breath. You weren't sure why, but he seemed determined not to get upset in front of you.

"I... I understand that you might be mad at me," he said.

"I'm not," you replied. "It's not your fault. And... I know that, that it might be hard for you to even talk to me because I don't remember us..." You tried to say. But before I could get anything else in he blurted out

"You don't love me anymore,"

Dun dun daaaa! Who's crying now kiddies!?
This isn't the end. There is more.

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