It's Not a Broken Heart PART THREE

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"You don't love me anymore,"

"I.... I don't... I can't..." You sputtered. Right at that moment the door burst open and a stream of people came flooding in. The Avengers, and your apparent friends.

"Hey (y/n)," said the tall blond, as they formed a semi circle around the bed.

"Guys," Tony said standing up. "She doesn't remember,"

"Well yeah," said a shorter brunette with glasses. "Most accident victims don't remember being injured at all,"

"She doesn't remember us," Tony corrected. An uncomfortable silence fell over the room.

The red haired woman sat on the bed, she reached out to push some hair from your forehead.

"You don't remember any of us?" She asked gently.

"I know you're The Black Widow. And you were amazing in the Battle of New York," you said. She drew her hand back. "I know we were probably good fiends. All of us" you addressed the group. "But I don't remember it.... At all,"

"This is really happening..." Said a shorter blond.

"Yeah. It is," said Tony sitting back in his chair, still keeping his expression as cool and collected as possible.

The doctors told you that you may eventually remember things, but there's always a possibility that you may never recall a single thing about your old life.

When you were released from the hospital, Tony left first to talk to all the photographers and press people outside.

Captain America, or Steve as he asked you to call him, told you that Tony doesn't want the media taking pictures of you at this time. And has threatened anyone caught following you home, or around at all, with bodily harm.

"Is all this real?" you asked him "I'm not getting pranked for TV or something?"

"No, believe it or not, we're all good people. There's not enough money in the world to pay us to do something like that to someone," he said.

That made you smile. At least you would have kind people taking care of you through your recovery.

Tony came back inside, and offered you his hand. You took it and stood from your seat, followed at a safe distance by Steve.

Slowly you made your way out to the car that was waiting. On the drive to, well home, Tony sat next to you holding your hand.

"Hey," you whispered, giving his hand a light squeeze.

He turned his head to look at you, "hey," he replied.

"I might not remember everything used to have right now. But I will say this," you said "I sure can pick em. You're pretty cute,"

A smile spread across his lips, "you said almost the exact same thing to me once. A long time ago," he told you.

"I did?" You couldn't remember.

"Yeah, the first time you ever spent the night in my apartment, a few weeks after we became a couple. It had rained so hard all the streets were flooded. I insisted that you stay with me. I made you a big home cooked breakfast the next morning, you said I sure can pick em,"

"Sounds wonderful," you said as the car pulled up to the front of the building. "I wish I could remember that..."

Together you rode the elevator up to the 39th floor. "Why so high up?" You asked him.

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