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Preference 34

Steve: When Steve's mad it's usually not your fault. But sometimes he has a hard time trying to make you understand that, and it comes off as him being angry at you. This does put a little strain on your relationship, but no ones perfect. And it never gets to a point where anyone is hurt.

Tony: When Tony's mad he shuts you out. Which is not good for your relationship at all. But as long as he deals with it without hurting you, himself, or anyone else.

Bruce: You probably have a pretty good idea of what it likes when he's mad. And you're right. If he's mad enough Bruce goes, and "the other guy" come for a visit. It's very hard for him, and for you. But you make it work. Getting angry to that point is very rare.

Clint: Clint doesn't really get angry, he gets irritated and snaps at you sometimes, but it doesn't mean anything. And if it does, then it gets fixed.

Thor: Thor is a loud person as it is. So when he's mad, he loses control of his volume. He tends to yell quiet a bit, and it is a little embarrassing. But he always apologizes. And makes it up to you.

Loki: When he's mad, he lets you know it. There are no secrets there. But it's not always an angry yelling fest as you might think. Sometimes he will up front tell you, "I'm not happy with you right now," calmly, but won't want to talk about it until he's ready. And that's okay.

Bucky: There's never been a time when he was mad at you. But he's always mad at himself, or at the world. He takes it out on things that won't mind getting punched. Namely punching bags, and sparring partners in the gym at SHIELD.

Natasha: It is a key point to your relationship, trying very hard not be angry with each other. You don't get to spend a ton of time together because of her being a SHIELD agent, and you being a performer. So when you're together, if you're mad at each other you work it out as soon as possible. So the time you do have together is special, and not marred by negative feelings.

Pietro: When he's mad, he's sort of just grumpy and stand offish. He doesn't really like to talk about it, he prefers to let it all blow over. Start again the next day type thing.

AN: sorry this one wasn't good. The next few will be better. I need some fresh ideas, and inspiration

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