One Shot: Busted Up- Tony

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Request for Maggsloveswhales


One Shot 31

The door creaked open and heavy footsteps plodded into the apartment. You got up from the couch to go collect your kiss. But he wasn't in the entry way.

"Honey?" You called out softly.

"I'm here (y/n)," Tony called out from deeper within the apartment, he must have gone straight through when he got in.

You wandered into the bathroom to find him taking bloody tissues out of his nose.

He had a black eye and blood staining his shirt and the gash on his cheek.

"Tony!" You gasped "What happened?"

"Oh, the staff dinner didn't go so well. Dean through a glass at my head and I didn't duck," he laughed.

You knew and he knew he was lying to you. He probably got in a fight...

You didn't saying, instead you pulled the first aid kit out from under the sink. He didn't fight it, he sat down on the edge of the tub and allowed you to do what needed to be done.

Once you had bandaged his cuts, and cleaned off the blood, you knelt in front of him. You gaze focus on his eyes, which would not meet yours.

"Tony," you whispered.

"Baby I'm sorry," he said sadly, "I'm sorry I brought, all this home to you,"

His voice grew frantic, "I'm sorry I don't want to upset you with all this, I didn't think I-" he had stood up and was beginning to panic. You didn't say anything, instead you took hold of his hand and locked eyes with him. Tears welled in his eyes,

"Do you think this is pushing me away?" You asked softly.

"Yes. How could it not (y/n)? It-" he burst out.

"You're not pushing me away. I don't like seeing you this way, but it's not going to make me stop loving you," you said.

The house was silent for a long moment

"What makes you think you're pushing me away?"

"It has been my experience, that women I date, don't appreciate seeing me like this. Busted up, and a mental mess," he finally admitted.

"I'm not other women. I'm (y/n). Your problems don't define you,"

You wrapped your arms around him, and felt him melt at your touch. This was a man who didn't just crave affection, he needed it.

You gently guided him into the bedroom. You sat down on the mattress, and had him lay down with his head on your lap.

Slowly you began running your fingers through his hair, and massaging his forehead.

In a gentle voice you started to sing.

How very special are we
For just a moment to be
Part of life's eternal rhyme

How very special are we
To have on our family tree

Mother Earth and Father Time

His eyes began to droop, but he wasn't quite asleep yet.

He turns the seasons around
And so she changes her gown

But they always look in their prime

They go on dancing their dance

His lips curled up into a small smile, enjoying the calm tone of song.

Of every lasting romance
Mother Earth and Father Time

The summer larks return to sing

Oh what a gift they give
Then autumn days grow short and cold

He seemed to have dropped off into sleep, but just as you stopped he stirred.

"No, no. Finish the song," he asked.

So you finished,

Oh what a joy to live
How very special are we
For just a moment to be
Part of life's eternal rhyme

How very special are we
To have on our family tree

Mother Earth and Father Time

He finally fell asleep. You shifted so his head was under a pillow, and snuggled up close behind him to get some sleep too.

AN: Brownie Points to anyone who knows what that song is from.

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