Matt Murdock Special!

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Quick AN: I love Matt Murdock sooooooo much. This is just a quick one shot for him even though he isn't an avenger :(

One Shot 5

Matt was sat in his living room, having a beer and reading the brail newspaper. Even before she reached their door, Matt could hear her light foot steps in tall heels coming down the
sidewalk outside.

He smiled to himself, happy his girlfriend would be in his arms in a matter of minutes. Up the stairs he heard her climb, the soft tinkling of the anklet around her right ankle.

The jangle of keys in her purse outside the door. Matt rose to get the door, just as the sound of said keys falling to the ground reached his ears.

There is something else he can hear, her heart rate is increased but no more than usual after climbing the stairs. No, it's something else. He keeps these thoughts tucked into his mind.

The door opened,

"Hi (nickname),"

"Hello handsome," she whispered softly, accepting his hug. In that moment he figured out what the difference he had previously been hearing.

"You're really tense. Are you okay?" He asked.

She let out a breathy laugh, "I would lie and say I'm fine, but I know it's no use with you,"

"Well you know what your sister always says about the word fine," he replied trying to keep the conversation light, so as not to suffocate her with concern.

"Feelings. Inside. Not. Expressed," they said together.

"Well it's not like she was wrong," she admitted placing her bag on the entry way bench. Matt followed her into the living room and sat beside her on the couch.

"What's going on, (y/n)? What's got you so tensed up?"

"It's just this job, it's wonderful and I love it. But sitting like that all day is killing my back and shoulders," she admitted.

"Here, let me " Matt offered. She smiled, and turned her back to him. Using his fingers, he gently probed the tense skin for the exact spot where he should massage to alleviate her pain.

(Y/n) winced at the pain, but held her breath. She could feel the muscles loosing up little by little, and sighed into the pillow she clutched to her chest.

"How's that?" Matt asked, hitting a different pressure point with a partially large muscle patch.

"Well, it hurts a ton. But it feels so much better when you've finished,"

Matt smiled, and kissed (y/n)'s shoulder. She giggled and turned to him "I feel all better. I guess kisses from princes have the same magic as a princess kiss,"

He laughed and kissed her lips

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