Sleepless Nights

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Preference 32

Steve: He's one of those very routine driven people. Go to bed relatively early, wake up in time to get in a run and a full breakfast. And when he sleeps he sleeps like a rock. So if you can't sleep you just go about your business around the house and let him sleep. He could not possibly care less.

Tony: Neither of you spend much time sleeping, and when you get the chance to do so you do not take it for granted in the least. There is no sleeplessness in your household.

Bruce: When you can't sleep you try all the herbal remedies, and tricks. You refuse to take any medication for sleeping problems. Not worth the depression.

Clint: He can somehow always tell that you've woken up. Before you can even consider getting up to make some tea, or whatever he's rolled over to hold you in place and talk to you about everything under the sun.

Thor: It's kind of hit and miss with Thor. If you can't sleep and get up, sometimes he'll notice you absences and look for you. Other times he won't notice and will sleep straight through the night.

Loki: Loki's a light sleeper, if you get out of bed he'll notice. He won't always get up and hang out with you, but he'll always notice. And ask to make sure you're okay.

Bucky: When you can't sleep you get out of bed quietly so you don't disturb him. He doesn't sleep enough as it is. You hang out in the living room and do things quietly, like read, or watch YouTube videos on your phone.

Natasha: You often have trouble sleeping with or without Natasha. But you never disturb her when she's sleeping, even though she's told you a thousand times to wake her up if you can't sleep. Instead you leave her be, and hide out in the media room or the dance studio.

Pietro: When you can't sleep it's typically because you've eaten too much, or you're sick so you try to leave Pietro alone so he can get some sleep. You sit on the couch and watch 90's sitcoms until you fall asleep or the sun comes up. Whichever happens first.

AN: Hello my loves! I have a question for you!! My Wattpad bestie supermiss98 gave me a super awesome idea for a one shot. I won't tell you who it's for. But I want you all to vote/comment on who you want our Avenger friend to be in the next one shot!

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